Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Handy Dandy iPhone

Continuing in the spirit of graphs, I couldn't find a graph to accurately portray my iPhone useage so...I made one!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

When I Look at my Cell Phone

I think this graph was made for me. I made two small modifications.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lily's First Christmas Program.

Lily had her very first Christmas Program, recently. I think we were more anxious/excited than Lily; she took it all in stride! Of course, we think she was the best little performer there but I'll let you be the judge.

Toddlers: the Same in Every Species

There are some days when I REALLY relate to this picture.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

3 Fashionable Trends -by Lily

Christmas stockings are Stockings!
Lily was helping me unload Christmas decor recently. It was such a blast! "What's this", "ooo prettty!", etc. All in all, a very fun experience. Lily spotted the stockings and said, "SOCKS!". She then proceeded to put them on. You can imagine her confusion when I tried to tell her, "Noo- they actually go above the fireplace." To offset the confusion, I let her wear them a bit longer. Momma needed pictures.

Princess Clothes: Always in Fashion!
I found a cute "Princess Set" on clearance after Halloween a while back. For a $1.25, I hit the jackpot! Lily loved all the accessories (earrings, tiara, pearls, sceptor).

Pirate Wear: Never Gets Old!
As far as Lily was concerned, she dressed as a Princess Pirate.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Worldy Adventures of Pancho

A member of our family has traveled more miles than most travel in a lifetime. His Pancho. Here's a good picture of our beloved Pancho.

Pancho was originally a gift for my dear (now departed) chihuahua, Hondo.
Hondo loved Pancho. Thus, we love Pancho, as well.

This is how he rides...

Incidentally, this backpack has seen many miles too (college miles, as well).

We have a family tradition of taking Pancho with us on various travels. It all started with my mission trip to Cairo, Egypt. I wanted to bring a little piece of home with me. After much thought and consideration, I decided who better to fit that mold than, well, Pancho. Sadly, our photo tradition of taking pics of Pancho On Location didnt start until recently. BUT, the miles still count. Here are a few pics of his many travels.

Slightly altered picture of Pancho in Egypt.

Next, Pancho traveled with Dale to Ghana, Africa (again, slightly altered).

More recently, Pancho traveled with Dale and I to Clearwater, Florida for a glorious vacation.

Here he is on the beach, stretching out his legs.

And here, taking in the view from our room (he thought Krisha did a great job picking a very tiny-horse-friendly hotel).

Lastly, here he is getting in some much-needed sun (tiny horses need Vitamin D too).

We look forward to taking Pancho on many more, photo documented, adventures! To be continued!