Friday, July 30, 2010

中止! (Stop!)


I am receiving bad website links via blog comments per each blog post (in Chinese). Really?? Even with comment moderation turned on. UFF! So, that message above is for a select few. Translated via babelfish from Chinese-Simple and Chinese-Traditional (respectively), it means, "Stop the bad website commentary!". It's worth a shot. Plus Babelfish is just plain fun.

Favie Five Pics from June

Yesch! I'm behind on the Favie Five! Here are my favs from June.

A bunny visited our front flower bed. We had front-row seats! AND Max never saw it. Greeeaat. If a burglar were to hold very very still: we'd be in trouble!

My fav of John John and Lily playing. They have so much fun together!

This is my favie close-up.

It may be hard to tell but baby Paulownia trees starting popping up in our yard in July. Turns out the Paulownia is indeed veerrry prolific (more babies were to follow).

Lily in a bucket! It's not Bucket Head but perhaps Bucket Booty is Bucket Head's silly sidekick. :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Background! Woo!

So cutestblogontheblock deleted my image background. Perhaps I should have hunted for it longer but I just opted to search for a new theme instead. I found this one! Yay! I had some bumps along the way (a stubborn title font color) but I think I got it "decent". I'll tinker with it more I'm sure. Hope you likey!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

You Smell Dat?

Oh yes, this is my Maxy Boy!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mrs Bubbly Mustachey

Lily + bubbles + bath time = big laughs at our house. Here's a collage of my favs.

The Colonel Sanders Lily makes me laugh every time! ("Ohhh- you're gonna
eat my chickin'!)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Favie Five Pics from May

With her portrait of Buzz Lightyear (her artwork has became far more fine-tuned).

Fun with black and white

The Lilypad Waterpark!

Daddy and his little Princess.

Post dance recital. She did great! John John was so proud of her. It was precious!

Backyard Wildlife: Cicadas!

I loved the sound of cicadas in the summer-time. It wouldn't be summer without their twilight tunes.

At dusk, one night recently, I found a little cicada busy shedding his skin and gettin' some new wings. I can tell you, in my official experience as an East Texas girl, these sightings are rare. My goal in this post is to get an "Oh cool!" vs an "Ewww!" but I'll take an "Ew!!" as well. Or silence. Silence is good (haha!).

All 5 pics were over a period of about 15 minutes. God's creatures are amazing- are they not?