Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lily Doin's: Fall Update!

A "Doins" list has been long overdue. I have learned that recording her cute sayings only becomes more challenging as she becomes increasingly a) older, b) smarter and c) way more chatty. BUT, I still attempted a list so here goes!

Her Favs: For a while, certain things are featured as Lily’s FAVORITE (she says “favorite” with extra emphasis). The list has included

  1. daddy’s fork
  2. broccoli
  3. Woody
  4. Meat
  5. carrots and yes,
  6. Pee Pee
So Close: Words that are almost right...

  1. Did-dent = Didn’t
  2. Undywear = Underware
  3. Spaceball = Baseball
  4. Sthirsty = thirsty
  5. Long long day! = in a long long time!
  6. Sick up = throw up (I like her version better!)
  7. Onner = only
  8. Get busy = get dizzy
  9. That’s what me talkin’ about! = That’s what I’m talking about!
  10. Emernens = girlfriend at school Emerson
Other Cute Sayings:

  1. “Me hug him” when talking about God and how she loves him. This was followed by a “where is God” discussion as she wanted to go see him and hug him. Warms my heart!
  2. “I love this place!”: she kept saying this when we went for a walk around the neighborhood. We should get her out more often. :-/
  3. “Mommy- then you have no Lily Kid!”: said when she almost fell into the potty. I do love my Lily Kid.
  4. “Daddy, you getting up breaks my heart.”: Dale was sitting on the couch with Lily watching a Disney show. He gets up for something and that was her response. She later added, “Daddy, my heart is going away. My heart is breaking.” Even though her tone wasn’t sad but rather matter of fact- you can bet Dale returned to the couch quickly!
  5. “Why? Because you’re silly?”: Often Lily answers her own Why question to me. When I pause, I often get her assumed answer of “Oh, because you’re silly.” Yes, actually that does explain a lot!
  6. L-I-L-Y song: I made up a name-spelling song on the fly one night. The next day, Lily sung it for Daddy. He came to me later saying, “Lily knows the cutest song from school! Sing it for Mommy!”. She sings my L-I-L-Y song!! It’s very simply. Here are the lyrics:
    - First you have an “L”
    - Then an “I”
    - Next another “L”
    - Last a “Y”
So please know, if you call, I may not answer right away. I'm freeing up my phone for a call from Def Jam Records. And yes, Lily: that is Mommy being VERY silly! ;-)

Sorting Hat for Everyone!

I found this on GraphJam and had to share. Liz Lemon is SO Ravenclaw!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Art by Lily - Updated 11-30-10!

Lily loves to draw. It has been an amazing journey not only watching our little girl grow up [tear], but watching Lily's drawing talent grow-up, as well. At three and a half years old, she writes her name well and asks about other letters to draw. One of her favorite subjects to draw are faces and Daddy. She loves her daddy!

Also, I found this cartoon that applies to Lily's Coloring Talent, currently. I hope to document (and post) some of her coloring book skills, soon, too. Until then, this cartoon serves as a good proxy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween at Work

Every year at Halloween, my employer hosts a Costume Contest. And boy is the turnout awesome! We have a floor dedicated to most of our I.T. personnel and they go all out. This year, the theme was The Wild West, complete with a Jail, teepee, sheriff's office and more. Think the structure of an 8X8 cube is restrictive? Think again!!

For larger sized pics of the above slideshow, go here.

For tons more pics from my fellow coworkers, go here or here .

Monday, November 1, 2010

And the Yamboree Photo Contest Winners Are....

2nd in the Animal division (Karla)

Honorable Mention in Architecture (Karla)

2nd in Human Interests/Portraits (Lilypad Mom)

1st in the Animal division (Lilypad Mom)