Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fun Times at the Harbor

With the weather being just simply gorgeous, we have ventured out to our town's lakeside shopping center a bit more often. Here are a few pics from the Harbor.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Favie Five Pics from Jan

Time for some catch-up'ins! Here are my favie pics from January...

The 2nd Generation J Street girls: Katherine, Lily and Audrey

One of my favorite silly pics

I noticed this one day: Lily's shoes placed carefully next to mine. I wanted to leave my shoes there forever. 

Tu-tu's and butterfly wings? Yes please!

Not only does she dress up in the full princess outfit (head to toe) but the girl knows how to pose. I'm so proud!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Whatcha Thinking About?

This is our busy time at our casa (namely busy time for hubby's work and my work). Add in a dash of snow days to make up work-wise and the busyness grows. Hey- I'm not complaining. Oh no. I'm just sad the blog suffers due to the busyness. I hope to have more "bloggy" posts soon. Until then....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two Laufs

Just a couple pictures that made me laugh recently...

This is SO Max!

I like to think of it as more like Warp Speed vs Attack Speed. ;-)

Monday, January 10, 2011


This year, Lily really "got" Christmas. From talking about Jesus and the fact that it's his birthday to Santa and his sleigh full of toys. You can bet I used, "Wait, are you being NAUGHTY" when she had the occassional "bad" moment. Hey, it works. As always, I was sad to see Christmas go. Good thing I have this blog to help it last a little longer.

Here are a few pics from the Christmas holiday.

Lily's Christmas Program: she was luke warm... not a diva performer nor a sobber. Hey- I aint complainin'!

Just a glimpse of our Christmas morning. Lily in love with her new kitchen and Max, thinking he's a puppy and still a lap dog. just being Max (aka Happy).

Look!! More gifts!!

Christmas. Awesomeness. Overload.

My sweet boy basking in the glow of the Christmas tree.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Favie Five Pics from Dec 2010

December was a busy and fun month! Here are a few of my favs from all the awesomeness...(sidenote: the auto-rotate feature on the photo import for Blogger is nuts. It's genius logic was to  auto-rotated pics of trees to be horizontal trees. REALLY?! My fix is to revert to the old editor, import, then go back to the new editor. Come on Blogger. Many of use rotate our pics already!)

I love fall and I especially love fall leaves!

A star is born!

Lily's drawings are so creative!

My sweet girl!

SQUIRREL! Max ran a squirrel up the tree. No one was hurt. Well except Max. His feelings were hurt that the squirrel didn't want to come down and play.