1. Mama and Dada: Probably goes without explaining. She also learned that “Mama” is a great word for everything. Need the juice cup? Just yell “MAMA” and the juice cup magically appears. See something tantalizing out of reach on the counter? Just say “Mama” a few times until the right thing is before you (or it somehow disappears). It’s a smart little trick.
2. Uh ohhh: A good indicator that something just fell or, more likely, was dropped and should not have been dropped (diaper in the bathtub comes to mind).
3. Bop Bop: Translated means Hop Hop which is what happens on her favorite show Bunnytown. Bunnies say “hop hop”, of course. This is usually followed by a cute Lily squat and bobbing up and down.
4. Oooh ooh aaah aah [with arms pumping up and down]: This what the monkey says.
5. Maaaaa: This is what the cat says.
6. Beeeep!: This is what the car says or, specifically, what Mommy’s car says when she hits the wrong key on her keyless entry device.
7. Staa and Goooo!: Or Stop and Go. Lily loves to play traffic cop. She’ll say “Staa” (hand up like she’s directing traffic) then “GO!” (with finger pointing up). We play this game everywhere: at home, while walking, in the car, or in the bath.
8. Naanaa: This is what the monkey eats. This was the first word Lily said that almost drove Lilypad Dad and I to the crazy house. She was so excited to learn this new word that she said it for everythingggg. For days without end. A funny moment came when finally, at my wits end, I showed her an actual banana. She looked at it with the blankest of stares. Apparently, I was crazy!
9. HAI: Lily’s impression of how we answer the phone and, consequently, how she answers her play phone. Also, we are greeted by an enthusiastic “HAI!” when we enter her room first thing in the morning.
10. Bye bye!: This is most often used, very enthusiastically, whilst leaving her classroom at the end of the day. She gives a very happy Bye Bye farewell to all her fellow comrades. So happy is her Bye Bye farewell that I swear I hear it followed by "suckers!". She’ll also say it while walking away from Mommy or Daddy to announce her departure to another location in the house.
11. Uhhhh and Doh: Lily enjoys Up and Down very much. I usually make a long drawn out “upppp” and point up up up followed by a quick set of “down down down”s. She mimicks with an “uhhhhhh” then a “doh doh doh”. Clear the phones: MENSA will be calling !
12. NO!: Our little girl is definitely trying out her independent pants (Independs?) lately. One rule stands, if Mommy or Daddy hand her something, it is something she does NOT want regardless of its relevance. Out comes, “NO!”. A Tasmanian Devil-like move follows: wild flailing arms set on launching every little thing as far from her as possible (solids or liquids: anything is game). During one fit, she even tried to remove her shirt to add to the list of projectiles. A dedicated fan of her Projectile-Launching-NO-Fits is her faithful big brother Max who is always keeping watch over the floor for any yummy Lily Food rejects. At least someone is happy to see nicely diced up wienies and green beans!
13. Der, der, der: Or, translated into Lilypad terms: one, two, three. These words usually accompany a finger point to whatever she's counting (like toes). As you can imagine - she can count quite high. She can repeat "der" hundreds of times!
14. Juish: Also known as "Juice" is the latest word. Its popularity is ranked up there with Bunnytown watchin' and goldfish cracker eatin'.
Very nice tracking of her words. Wow...this ALMOST looks like a scrapbook!
It's fun to compare her words to Audrey's. Audrey also loves to say NA NA "banana" we would give her one when she said it and then finally we realized that most of the time she just liked saying the word. The dropping stuff in the bath is funny. Just last night Audrey dropped her cup o' goldfish in the bath I was runniing for her. I had to drain the water of course but it was funny to see the little fishies "swimming" toward the drain. Funny until I realized that they wouldn't fit down the drain and I'd have to scoop mushy wet goldfish out of the bathtub with my hands. I love the visual of her playing stop and go. So cute!
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