1. Storage and transportation: Lily fills her little hands and arms to capacity with anything and everything. She can't hold just one of something. Noooo - that's entirely too easy. Both hands and arms must be packed. You can only imagine how this hampers a little toddler who really could use both hands to help with catching herself when she falls...often. She can have some spectacular toy-explosion falls so at a minimum, it's entertaining.
2. Transport Game: Lily loves to bring us whatever she is carrying too. It could be pieces of shredded tissue, dog food, a nose crustie. Whatever. Sometimes we are the destination, other times, it's a bathtub or close hamper (we have gone on some wild goose chases for a missing sippy cup).
3. Raaarrrr!: Its what the Tiger says. This has turned into a Game, too. She'll swipe at us and say "raarrrrr!". Like the Ow! Game, all is fun & games until Mommy gets smacked, or swiped (again, homey dont play dat). So, often, the little Tiger has to be reprimanded.
4. Colors: By accident, we found out Lily knows her colors (God bless her awesome school). She knows green, purple, and red rather well.
5. Monkey See Monkey Do: Lily does a great job at Follow the Leader. We will say something like, "sit down, stand up, JUMP!, turn around, clap, where's your knee?, JUMP" and she happily obliges.
6. "Dohty": This is "Dorothy" on The Wiggles
7. Thank you out loud without prompt: Lily has signed Thank you and has been speaking it for a while, too. But recently, she'll respond "Tae Tew" without prompt. It just warms my heart. Now that I think about it, I end up giving her more stuff just to hear the Tae Tews more. Hmmmm....
8. Departure Imitation: One day, Lily grabbed Aunt Kah Kah's red purse, slung it over her shoulder, came up to me, gave me a kiss, waved and said "Bye bye!" and walked off. I realized she was copying my departure routine. It's amazing what she picks up on simply by observance (amazing and SCARY; I consider all this a warning of things to come).
9. Acting School: As we've learned with the occasional Temper Tantrum, Lily is quite the accomplished actress. She has fine-tuned her acting craft with facial expressions, recently. "Surprise" is a wide-eyed open mouth expression, "Happy" is a big cheesy smile and "Mad" is a narrowed-eyed grunt action.
10. Nontoys = Favorite Toys: Specifically, poker chips and cards. Yes, I can safely say this is the most use our poker chips and cards have ever seen. We're raising her right, what can I say? She loves the colors, textures and portability of the cards and chips. Plus the chips make a fun noise when she drops them which happens a lot as she inevitably tries to carry too many (see #1).
11. "Mine": A new word to Lily's recent vocabulary list. This has now replaced "Please" and "Tae Tew". Hear that sound? Yes, that's the Terrible Two Train pulling into our living room!
Great list...almost like, ummm, what's it called, hmmm, oh yeah, SCRAPBOOKING!!!! You're a natural, kid.
Come on, join the dark side. I could use your journaling help - Monica knows all too well.
I love reading all these "doins" by Lily. She is just so cute...I think you made up the tantrum part! :)
I second Cindy's comment. Audrey likes the bye bye game too. She gets her doll stroller, looks at me and waves as she heads off in the opposite direction.
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