Newest words we can identify:
* Woah
* Stuck
* Itch
* Color
* Look Mommy: said A LOT
* Whats That?: also, said A LOT
* Tickle Tickle: the high pitch and speed used to pronounce this really drive home the cuteness
* Lily Did It!
* Back: with “stop” hand signal meaning she will be back
* Booger (we blame school)
Words not quite right but too cute to correct:
* Dat Sound?: what is that sound?
* Paainnnnting: Painting, every syllable pronounced
* Cewking: cooking
* bUg: lower jaw juts out with the “ug” part
* Yemmin? : What ya doing?, an indicator that she is about to demand whatever it is we have
* Purr-pillll: Purple
* ‘Mout: Time Out – occasionally, she puts her dolls in ‘Mout which makes me wonder if she or someone were put in Time Out at school that day
* Horfles: Waffles, because Waffles is way to easy to say (like her “guraarkk9kkk” for “dark” a few months ago)
* Daddy Me: for some reason, this is an alternate to “Mommy”. I think she means to say Mommy, realizes she is saying Daddy and tries to correct it halfway.
* Dommy: a better version of Daddy Me as it is the ambigious term for BOTH Mommy and Daddy.
* Piggies: besides the animal, also pigtail styled hair
* E-yay-go: Go Diego Go on Noggin
* Bueez shoez: Blues Clues
* Bahyahyahs: Backyardigans (we watch tv from time to time)
* Tewt: Toot
* Goo Jah: Good Job! (accompanied with dual thumbs up usually)
* Dis, Dat: This and That
* Cake: Milk Shake
* 'd'chya?: Hold ya?
* Munch Box: Lunch Box
Habits and/or Personality Traits:
* Bossy bop: Lily loves to boss around her dollies (and Max). While playing with them, she’ll cycle from loving, to disciplined, then talk sweetly followed soon by a session of ‘Mout.
* A animated retelling of something important: Lily will run up to me, babble something 80% understandable, bobble her head, eyes looking here and there, waving her arms all to tell me something very important.
* The magic word: One night, Lily was demanding something. As we are continually working on those toddler manners (an oxymoron to an extent), we prompted her with "okay, but what is the magic word?". Our goal, of course, being "Please!" She responds with, "Word". "No no, THE magic word....". She pauses from thought and answers confidently- "Word". She has a point. In that sentence, "word" IS the magical word.
* Replaying a most recent Boo Boo in greater detail, several times, accompanied by “Dat, Dis, Dat” as she all-too-accurately shows how she hit her head or fell on her face. Her Boo-Boo Reenactments bare striking resemblance to the real thing.
* Bedtime Stories: We read one book at bedtime - most often, the Tickle Me Elmo book. When done, she grabs it, insists on going to bed then reads the book back to her baby doll (as we confirmed via video monitor). It is so precious to hear what she remembers from the story and how she retells it to Baby.
* BoBo identification: with baby dolls, Lily… also Mommy and Daddy (she’ll point and yell BOBO! then giggle). If you know anything about my sense of humor, you know I am indeed very proud.
It is so fun to read what all she is saying now! The part about her reinacting her fall made me laugh out loud...I can just see her doing that! So precious!!
I'm sure she'll love reading about what she was doing/saying at this age. I bet listening to her read the Elmo story to her dolls is priceless. Audrey needs a band aid for every bump or fall. She immediately starts saying Day day ON! Sometimes just seeing us headed for the band aid container is enough to satisfy her.
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