It's 09-09-09! How cool is that? I decided to honor 09-09-09 with some good old fashioned randomness. I love randomness. Also, my kitty's breath smells like cat food. On to the list!
1. My most recent (of many many) confirmations that I did indeed marry my soul mate: Dale saying the words, "More big poopies, Lily?" while we waited forever for her to go poopie, one night. I do love that man.
2. #2 always makes me snicker. Always.
3. I am ready for fall. It is just too stinkin' hot right now.
4. When a sentence or statement ends in a sound rhyming with "eee"- I have to sing "Yeah you know meeee" in my head. This is a big problem as our new big budget system at work is coined the "GBT". Yeah....you know meee!
5. I realized the other day I'm not entirely sure how sea shells are made. I think I have the gist down - just need to figure out the details.
6. Greek gods are messed up. Some of that Greek mythology is waacky stuff.
7. I've considered writing a book on annoying FB statuses (stati?). The "purposely mysterious status" bugs me most. Usually something like, "Why? why me???". Someone follows up with concern (steps in the trap basically) then the person is like, "My foot hurts." Uhhh. Maybe I should take a FB hiatus.
8. I often listen to tunes via headphones while working. I dont sing outloud or hum. No no. But I do have a hard time NOT playing the keyboard piano to Claire De Lune. I dont know how to play the piano but I do think I have that song pegged. Here's the intro: qpwoiejfp psoew02-30wp. Beautiful isnt it?
9. Lily calls overpasses "caves". Do you know what lives in caves? According to Lily, birds and lions. Just so you know, the daily commute is indeed fraught with danger (aka lions).
There ya have it- 9 random things for 09-09-09. Happy 999!
I do the "yeah you know me!" thing too! I always laugh at myself and think my crazy cheesiness is quite funny. :) Glad we can enjoy that randomness together!
Funny! I'm down with GBT... I agree on the FB status. The ones that bother me are the good morning, having some coffee and good night ones. I want to hear something interesting. These people take up valuable space time with meaningless fluff! For some reason Audrey went from saying Poopy to Pooty - with emphasis on the TEE part. It makes me laugh every time!
You ARE totally random Leah. Of course, these posts always crack me up, but I have nothing even close to as clever to say back as a comment.
And #2 cracks me up too.
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