Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Come in Dog Fort. Over.

Much like Happy Cat and the LOLrus, I'm can be a wee bit behind on the popular memes in the wide wide world of web. As it so often happens, I find a funny picture then discover it has been "viral" on the web for months. Dog Fort & Reb Lobster are no exception. The first picture below is my favorite (via http://www.ihasahotdog.com/). A quick Google search revealed an endless viral supply so I included 2 more just for grins (not successive, just random). * Also, is it sad that these comic strips make me want to scrapbook? Well, scrapbook as in draw up Maxy boy comic strips. I'm getting there, Monica. ;-)



Monday, December 13, 2010

Favie Five Pics from November

Lily's Great Gramma made her this hat and scarf set. I tried for a "normal smile" pose,which I got, but it just wasnt my fav. Silly pics? Guilty of being mommy's fav everytime.

Lily hugging the Snowman that we put up in our yard (for the first time)!

Santa! Lily did great. She was very still but managed to whisper what she wanted to Santa.

This is Lily's Mom's side fo the family (hat and scarf maker seated at the table).

I loved this moment (from Thanksgiving) with Lily and her Uncle Clint. He played the guitar and offered to let her accompany him. It was precious.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Favie Five Pics from October

Now that it's December, I might as well get the October Favies posted!

I love this picture of Lily. One of my all-time favs!

Big Tex! Our day at the Fair was so fun!

In her superman costume, feet propped up, circling the toys she wants from a Target catalog.

The Super Family!

Waving to Queen Yam with a posing Edward nearby.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I am the Lizard Queen!

The months of Oct and Nov have meant a Lizard Invasion at our house. Many would see this as something quite yucky. So I realize, it is perhaps only me that is happy to see my little East Texas buddies. We so rarely see green chameleon lizards! I actually found myself missing them. Well, apparently, they got the memo as several visited us INDOORS in Oct and Nov. (The post title is a quote from Lisa Simpson, by the way. Don't want to sound TOO weird. Well, not any more than usual- haha!)

On the "S" picture in our foyer.

Dangling from the hose reel in the back yard (where I released them when caught indoors)

I looked up from my dinner plate to see this in our kitchen. Camouflage FAIL!

My little helper when putting up the Christmas tree. I love Max's curious ears in this pic!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lily Doin's: Fall Update!

A "Doins" list has been long overdue. I have learned that recording her cute sayings only becomes more challenging as she becomes increasingly a) older, b) smarter and c) way more chatty. BUT, I still attempted a list so here goes!

Her Favs: For a while, certain things are featured as Lily’s FAVORITE (she says “favorite” with extra emphasis). The list has included

  1. daddy’s fork
  2. broccoli
  3. Woody
  4. Meat
  5. carrots and yes,
  6. Pee Pee
So Close: Words that are almost right...

  1. Did-dent = Didn’t
  2. Undywear = Underware
  3. Spaceball = Baseball
  4. Sthirsty = thirsty
  5. Long long day! = in a long long time!
  6. Sick up = throw up (I like her version better!)
  7. Onner = only
  8. Get busy = get dizzy
  9. That’s what me talkin’ about! = That’s what I’m talking about!
  10. Emernens = girlfriend at school Emerson
Other Cute Sayings:

  1. “Me hug him” when talking about God and how she loves him. This was followed by a “where is God” discussion as she wanted to go see him and hug him. Warms my heart!
  2. “I love this place!”: she kept saying this when we went for a walk around the neighborhood. We should get her out more often. :-/
  3. “Mommy- then you have no Lily Kid!”: said when she almost fell into the potty. I do love my Lily Kid.
  4. “Daddy, you getting up breaks my heart.”: Dale was sitting on the couch with Lily watching a Disney show. He gets up for something and that was her response. She later added, “Daddy, my heart is going away. My heart is breaking.” Even though her tone wasn’t sad but rather matter of fact- you can bet Dale returned to the couch quickly!
  5. “Why? Because you’re silly?”: Often Lily answers her own Why question to me. When I pause, I often get her assumed answer of “Oh, because you’re silly.” Yes, actually that does explain a lot!
  6. L-I-L-Y song: I made up a name-spelling song on the fly one night. The next day, Lily sung it for Daddy. He came to me later saying, “Lily knows the cutest song from school! Sing it for Mommy!”. She sings my L-I-L-Y song!! It’s very simply. Here are the lyrics:
    - First you have an “L”
    - Then an “I”
    - Next another “L”
    - Last a “Y”
So please know, if you call, I may not answer right away. I'm freeing up my phone for a call from Def Jam Records. And yes, Lily: that is Mommy being VERY silly! ;-)

Sorting Hat for Everyone!

I found this on GraphJam and had to share. Liz Lemon is SO Ravenclaw!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Art by Lily - Updated 11-30-10!

Lily loves to draw. It has been an amazing journey not only watching our little girl grow up [tear], but watching Lily's drawing talent grow-up, as well. At three and a half years old, she writes her name well and asks about other letters to draw. One of her favorite subjects to draw are faces and Daddy. She loves her daddy!

Also, I found this cartoon that applies to Lily's Coloring Talent, currently. I hope to document (and post) some of her coloring book skills, soon, too. Until then, this cartoon serves as a good proxy.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween at Work

Every year at Halloween, my employer hosts a Costume Contest. And boy is the turnout awesome! We have a floor dedicated to most of our I.T. personnel and they go all out. This year, the theme was The Wild West, complete with a Jail, teepee, sheriff's office and more. Think the structure of an 8X8 cube is restrictive? Think again!!

For larger sized pics of the above slideshow, go here.

For tons more pics from my fellow coworkers, go here or here .

Monday, November 1, 2010

And the Yamboree Photo Contest Winners Are....

2nd in the Animal division (Karla)

Honorable Mention in Architecture (Karla)

2nd in Human Interests/Portraits (Lilypad Mom)

1st in the Animal division (Lilypad Mom)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yamboree Photo Contest 2010 - My Submissions (aka: The Winners)

Here are my Fantastic Four submissions for this year's Yamboree photo contest. Stay tuned to see *which* ribbons they win (as they will win, oh yes, yes they will). ;-)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Favie Five Pics from September

September favies!

Yay for cutesie tu-tus!!

Because human clothes on Max are always funny.

Lily's name writing is improving!!

Her face drawing is also improving!

And this little guy dropped by for a visit. I found him by opening the front door and there he sat. He looked at me. I looked at him. I carefully/slowly shut the door. He stayed for pics (see, even the bunnies know to wait for the pictures at our house).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Favie Three Pics from August

Historically, my picture taking counts take a dive in Aug and Sept. So please forgive the small list this month. Oct, Nov and Dec (or O.N.D as we call it at work) will MORE than make up for this.

Memaw rightfully seated on her throne atop a parade float with fellow quilters at the Okra Festival (there is so much I love about that sentence). :-)

Max enjoying his hand-me-down froggie pool. He looooooves water.

Granny and Pawpaw gettin' in some Lily hugs.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Orange You Glad the Bed is Made?

I do my best to consider things from all angles. I am always on the lookout to make things more efficient and/or better. Perhaps My Way isn’t the best way. However, I have decided I shall never "give" on these two quirks.

Making the Bed

Me: The bed should be made. Period. If the bed is un-made, I feel the entire house is in disarray. I tuck in the sheets at the foot of the bed, between the mattress and the box springs, and that is where they should stay: tucked in. I blame my Bed Nazi dad for this as he bestowed upon me the love for a military-inspired, crisply made, bed. I love getting into bed with all the covers in order, no tangles, no wrinkles. Ahh...that is sleeping paradise!

Here's a good visual of a well made bed:

Hubby: Bed = sleeping bag. He prefers to have all covers tucked immediately below his feet. What?! But this negates the Tucked In anchor?! Sheets become crazy! All is lost!! Ok- maybe not that bad but I just. cant. do. the Bed = Sleeping Bag thing.

Here's an image of the hubby's preferred bedding. I found this particular picture funny so I had to use this one. It's an emergency sleeping bag! The guy looks dorky which gives me validation for my Tucked In Sheets rule. :-)

In the end, we compromise. Hubby's half of the bed = a sleeping bag. My half is nice and neatly tucked in. Both happy; win win.

Eating Oranges

Me: Peel the orange, remove all extra matter, and separate all the cute little orange sections. Visually, this:

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Hubby: Grab a knife, slice through entire orange and eat the middle out. Visually, this:

It makes my brain hurt to think of eating an orange in this way. Where are the cute little sections o' orange? As natured intended it to be separated?? Though, I will admit: Dale talked me into trying it his way (he did the cutting). I tried it. It was different. But in the end, I like my way best. So there you have it. Orange you glad you made the bed? :-)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chicken Monkey Duck Jam

This posting is dedicated to those catchy-but-annoying songs that get stuck in my head. My favie part is the Marty McFly shout-out. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stairway To Heaven

At work, I take the stairs a lot. It's my primary means of exercise between 7-4 on the weekday. Ok- all week. :-) Life in the stair well is pretty mundane as there isn't exactly a lot of scenery. Until one day, something caught my eye. At first glimpse, it looks like a stair with an innocent splat mark (perhaps from a slosh-y drink of a careless passerby). It was the shape of this splat that caught my eye. Below is a picture of the splat. Take a good look at it then click HERE to see how *I* see it!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Mustache

Lily's loves Pretend Mustaches. Here is a slideshow of some of her mustache varieties...(note: if the slide show doesnt appear below- refresh the page...that should help).

Monday, August 30, 2010

Graphjammin' Monday

I receive Daily Graphs via email from GraphJam. It will make me a nerd, well it and many many other qualifying reasons, but I love graphs. Here are a few of my latest favs:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Favie Eight Pics from July

Yes: eight. I couldn't do just five pics this month. There was no way! The Benzmiller Bonanza equals another five of my favies too!

Lily's first movie (to see Toy Story 3 with John John).

I love this cute moment between Lily and Fasb (Fasb considers herself the first princess of this household).

Rock n Roll baby!

A view from the top!

This silly pose makes me laugh every time. Perhaps it is because I see too much of myself!

Lily with second cousin Laci and Great Papa. Papa loves his great grandkids!


Lily loved them but had a healthy dose of uncertainty. I dont blame her! Wanna know why? Read this.