Friday, January 29, 2010

Lost in Anticipation

It’s that magical time of year! LOST is almost here! In honor of Lost’s return, here is my top 5 character related predictions of the series finale, season 6 (oh the tears of Lost mourning). Disclaimer: This is pure speculation originating only from the scary corners of my brain. I have purposely kept from all Lost talk everywhere (magazine, tv shows and the web). I don’t want to talk serious storyline predictions, either, as I would rather watch the story unfold (or forward-fold, back-fold, re-fold, etc).

1. Two Lockes: Good Locke is really dead. Bad Locke is realized as bad and zooms off in Smokey form to reek havoc on a whole new level

2. Claire: dead

3. Jacob: dead but more powerful than when he was “alive” or “existing” or whatever you call his existance pre-stabbing and burning.

4. Rose, Bernard: Live out their life in Island Past.

5. Aaron, Walt: eventually return to the island and will be the key to Island Future

6. Vincent (the dog): Ok- so I’m one over the promised “5”…..drum roll........
Big prediction: Vincent is the KEY TO IT ALL. All of Lost boils down to Vincent. I dedicate #6 to you Max-y boy.

Sweet Max-y Boy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

3 Favorite Pictures from December 2009

Continuing with the Favorites Theme, here are my *3* favorite pictures from December. Man, picking out 3 has been a challenge!

I was so worried about how she'd react to Santa.
I still remember her reaction when she FIRST saw him
(eyes wide open with a gasp).

Lily's first Christmas program!

I love this pic with her second cousin Bailey.
Lily followed her around like a slightly obsessed admiring fan.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

6 Favorite Pics from Sept, Oct and Nov

Instead of boring my readers (all 3 of you, bless you) with a long pictures post, I decided to try a "favorite pictures" post. In an effort to get caught up to current, here are 2 favorite pictures, per month, for September, October and November. "Favorite" varies in definition for me. Sometimes it means silliest, or most memorable or even the small things I dont want to forget. And other times, it means a picture that I thought was just so stinkin' pretty. Enjoy!


A Silly favorite of mine

The girl loves a mirror! So a Common Moment favorite


She doesn't do this often, so a rare moment
I don't want to forget. Also, monkey see monkey do.

A Cute favorite


A moment I dont want to forget: wearing stockings
and decorating the tree.

Composed by chance and a definite favorite.
This one also shows I was behind on pics-
I took Halloween pics a tad into November.