1. Two Lockes: Good Locke is really dead. Bad Locke is realized as bad and zooms off in Smokey form to reek havoc on a whole new level
2. Claire: dead
3. Jacob: dead but more powerful than when he was “alive” or “existing” or whatever you call his existance pre-stabbing and burning.
4. Rose, Bernard: Live out their life in Island Past.
5. Aaron, Walt: eventually return to the island and will be the key to Island Future
6. Vincent (the dog): Ok- so I’m one over the promised “5”…..drum roll........
Big prediction: Vincent is the KEY TO IT ALL. All of Lost boils down to Vincent. I dedicate #6 to you Max-y boy.

So you think Claire is dead? She just walked off with her dad, so why dead?
I agree with psuedo-Locke becoming smokey - love it!
I think that Jacob was working his own "loopholes" while the dude in black was trying to take him down. It *appears* not to have worked...but I think it did.
What about Walt? Doesn't he have to come back in this season somehow - 6 feet tall?
You are SO caught up on the show, Cindy. I LOVE IT. :-)
Claire: My big basis for that is the Claire-Vision which appears to a sleepy, off-island, Kate begging Kate to NOT bring Aaron back to the island. Aside from the reason of her request- it has been primarily dead people appearing to off-island Losties (aka Christian, Ana-Lucia, Charlie, Libby). "Primary" as, granted, the exception is Jacob. Could Claire be related and thus an exception as well? I hope she isnt dead but fraternizing with Smokey-Christian and being an off-island ghostie worries me.
Jacob: I'm going with Christ-like symbolism with Jacob. I think he must die to be the ultimate island (and Losties) savior. But in order to be saved- shouldnt we all die to ourselves? What IS death on Lost?? Hmmmmm....I'm making my head hurt.
I can see Lost NOT answering anything about Walt and Aaron. I think they will leave several things beautifully unanswered. It just seems inevitable to me that they are the future of the island (or at least its memory). Miles and red-headed chick were born there and they ended up back on island. Big speculation though.
Tuesday's the day! EEeee!
I'm so excited about the season premier! It hurts my head to try and figure out anything, so I'm just going in with a clear mind and total anticipation. Woo hoo! I do like your thoughts they...they have an ability to be true for sure.
Can't wait for lost. We watched most of the finale a few days ago so we're refreshed and ready for what should be an excellent final season.
Just thought of something- I think Rose and Bernard are the mysterious "Adam and Eve" found in the caves in season one. Makes sense if they stay in island past! Just a thought!
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