Friday, April 23, 2010

Flippy Shoe Song

When someone passes by my cube in flippy shoes, the cadence sparks a song in my head. Not just "a" song, but the same song every time. It's dependent on cadence, of course. A sloppy cadence = song absence. I hear the song more often than not. In fact, when the flippy-shoe cadence is too slow for the song, I find myself willing them to walk faster as its more fitting for the song. Yeeaaaah.

So posted below is the Flippy Shoe Song. Sure, I could post just a mp3-type link. But why be so simple and well...boring? So I found a clip on Youtube of Quagmire jamming to my Flippy Shoe tune. It makes it a little more entertaining. Perhaps you can here the flippy shoe beat, too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Favie Five Pics from March

Enjoying the morning sunshine with (granted, not so obvious in this picture) a chocolate milk mustache.

And just like "that", Lily is three.

Lily tasted some of the slush left in our yard after the March 23rd "blizzard". Apparently, it didn't taste so great.

We tried on some new clothes one day and somehow, this outfit resulted. Move over Uggs, the new fad is ANTLERS!

This picture says it all: my silly monkey, Lily.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Situation: Moderation

Just a quick note- sorry for the stinky "Comment Moderation" on the comments page. If you leave a comment- you'll see I have to approve the comment in order for it to show. The reason is some Chinese dude keeps posting a Playboy link in my comments. I know my beloved dedicated fans (my estimates are up to 4 fans now- woo!) are too smart for such shenaningans. But I wanted to see if I can deter him (whilst I figure out how to block him). Verdict? Uff.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

About the Pout

One of Lily's latest "tricks" has been The Pout. It's almost frightening to see what a determined little toddler can create (and create well).

Lily's Pout has stages. First Stage: Le Entrance. Designed for impact, Le Entrance is dramatic and very very noticeable. (Max? He just wants out. He can't handle Le Entrance.)

Stage Two: The Fade. As you can imagine, keeping a straight face after Le Entrance is HARD. Hard to do for Mommy and Daddy; hard to do for Lily herself.

Stage Three: Resolution. Typically, a Resolution conversation goes something like this:

Mommy/Daddy: "What? A pout?! Lemme have that pout - I'm throwing it outside!!" [stage notes: pretend to grab the pout and do a throwing motion in the direction of the backyard]

It works fairly well! (Picture of Lily attempting Stage Three herself.)

Stage Four: Pout Re-route. No more Pout! Score one for the parents - at least this round. I know its just a matter of time before Lily out-smarts us (again).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lost Recap 06X10: The Package (ack attack greatness)

Below are excerpts from my favorite Lost recap site ( All pictures (including the one to the left) are theirs too.

Ben was out “gathering mangoes” when he found Sun unconscious on the ground! And he’s asking her what happened, but she’s all like “;lsfjadl;kjf;lakdsjfl;kasdjfs” and he can’t understand a damn word she’s saying!

Sun: asdlf’l;dsakfl;sd LOCKE ;dslkf’;alsdkf;lasd

Ben: Oh yippee, more subtitles.


Then Mocke goes back to his camp, and apparently he missed the memo because it’s obviously nap time!

Mocke: Did I tell you to let them all take a nap!? GREAT. Now I’ll never be able to get them down tonight and everyone’s going to be cranky!!

Sayid: Sigh. We were attacked.


Sayid: Looked like…Tina Fey and Neville Longbottom…



So Mocke shows up on the other island, and he is immediately peppered with bullets, none of which do jack , and Neville Longbottom comes out of the brush and is all freaking out, but Smokey just gives him a smile and says “I come in peace!”
(Which is something aliens say, which I’m sure ABC had nothing to do with.)

As it turns out, Widmore used Cylon pylon technology to build himself a little electric fence that Smokey can’t penetrate! Since he felt safe and sound on the other side of the fence, Widmore thought it was time to get down to brass tacks.

It was time for an Old White Bald Man Stand Off.

Mocke: Gimme Jin.

Widmore: I don’t got Jin.

Mocke: I think your pants are on fire, you liar.

Widmore: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?

Mocke: I do bite my thumb, sir.

Mocke: A wise man once said “Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.”

Widmore: Yes, but the same wise man also said “Nitwit! Oddment! Blubber! Tweak!”

Mocke: Touché. But enough of these pleasantries – give me Jin or else you shall rue the day you crossed the Man in Black!

Widmore: Bring it on.

Mocke: Oh – it’s already been broughten.

Neville Longbottom: Oh snap, sir. I believe you just got served.

Gosh I love that site! Check out the link above for more!