Just a quick note- sorry for the stinky "Comment Moderation" on the comments page. If you leave a comment- you'll see I have to approve the comment in order for it to show. The reason is some Chinese dude keeps posting a Playboy link in my comments. I know my beloved dedicated fans (my estimates are up to 4 fans now- woo!) are too smart for such shenaningans. But I wanted to see if I can deter him (whilst I figure out how to block him). Verdict? Uff.
I had a problem with someone leaving bad comments in Japanese on my blog, but once I turned on word verification, that all went away like magic. Have you always used it?
Hey Lisa! I've had word verfication on for a while and he keeps coming back. But thanks for the advice - I double checked my settings to make sure. It's annoying. His comments appear in Chinese granted I can see the html which is pointing to Playboy. Thanks dude. >:-(
It just makes me think, "Ohhh I hope my comment is approved!" Like it's a big honor if it gets chosen to be published.
I can't believe that! Seriously?! I thought my comments kept getting erased when I tried to click "publish" and I assumed it was computer error of course, not user error. :)
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