Music and Arts: where I go for band supplies and band related products. How this describes me (or HTDM): I am a musical prodigy. Ok......I am a tad geeky.
Dick's Sporting Goods: Hey- I'm sporty! I'm ever-so-slowly starting to do more outdoorsy things, thank you very much. :-) HTDM: I'm sporty dangit.
Baby's R Us /Toys R Us: A parenting must-have (granted, used less now vs the past). HTDM: I'm a parent.
CVS: It's located near my work and a fast run-in-run-out type place. HTDM: I'm not organized enough to eliminate the need for quick in-and-out type places.
Best Buy Reward Zone : That one is worn though sadly it is due to age vs use. It is the keychain tag I've had the longest (and wish I used more). HTDM: I. love. electronics.
Last but not least: Kroger: my favie place to buy groceries and get prescripts. Don't eeeeeeeven get me started on why they are the best. Let's just say I save Walmart Supercenter (or "Super Walmarts" as I like to call it...insert banjo music) for moments when I feel I'm due torture. [shudder] HTDM: I'm anti-Walmart(s).
Oh, almost left it off: the pink rock-climbing clip. You never know when a spelunking opportunity presents itself. Ok...I do not spelunk that often. Mission Impossible moments? No? Well, it would be top secret if I had such moments. (hee hee) Ok, ok: I use that clip to keep my keys out of Nevernever Land. Mr Clippy keeps my keys found and easy to locate. How this describes me: I really do not like to lose stuff. And... I'm a secret agent. ;-)
There you have it: the keys to me!
Very cute. I also have CVS (also close to work), Babies R Us (like you said more important in the diaper buying days), Kroger (I have a Tom Thumbs one too but can't even tell you the last time I was in there).
Some that you don't have, LA Fitness (I'm sporty too!) and not to brag but a Silver and Gold Star Telegram Press Pass that scores me discounts at several restaurants. That combines too of my favorite things, food and saving!
I was curious what others had on their keychain so thank you for sharing! Oooo- LA Fitness! That IS sporty dangit! :-)
I used to have all that stuff on my keychain, but awhile ago i removed all of those in order to "clean up" my key chain and now all that's left is a bunch of keys that I have no idea what they go to! But, I can't throw them away because one of them might be a key to a lost treasure or something. LOL!
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