Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Come in Dog Fort. Over.

Much like Happy Cat and the LOLrus, I'm can be a wee bit behind on the popular memes in the wide wide world of web. As it so often happens, I find a funny picture then discover it has been "viral" on the web for months. Dog Fort & Reb Lobster are no exception. The first picture below is my favorite (via http://www.ihasahotdog.com/). A quick Google search revealed an endless viral supply so I included 2 more just for grins (not successive, just random). * Also, is it sad that these comic strips make me want to scrapbook? Well, scrapbook as in draw up Maxy boy comic strips. I'm getting there, Monica. ;-)




Jason Julias said...

Glad you like these. Why Google search? All of them were made at http://www.reddit.com/r/dogfort. You can find new ones there every day! :-D

Unknown said...

Funny. Thanks for the shout out. My luck you'll start scrapbooking now when I haven't been able to for the last several months :-)