Here's the latest list of Lily Doins...
1. “Back”: It’s reassurance of someone’s return. If Daddy goes outside to take the trash out, then he will be “back”. I realized we must say this to her a lot as she says it often and has the delivery perfected. She nods her head up and down to help reassure even more.
2. Water: I do hope to catch this on video soon as the visual is far more cute than my description but Lily will say “Water” by lapping her tongue followed by saying “er”.
3. Cup drinking: This goes hand in hand with water as water does the least amount of damage when spilled (which happens often). I can tell she feels like quite the big girl when she has cup in hand. Of course, the immense pride is balanced by dumping way too much water into her mouth, coughing, letting out a whine then trying it all over again. Determination - that's our girl.
2. Water: I do hope to catch this on video soon as the visual is far more cute than my description but Lily will say “Water” by lapping her tongue followed by saying “er”.
3. Cup drinking: This goes hand in hand with water as water does the least amount of damage when spilled (which happens often). I can tell she feels like quite the big girl when she has cup in hand. Of course, the immense pride is balanced by dumping way too much water into her mouth, coughing, letting out a whine then trying it all over again. Determination - that's our girl.
4. Bye bye: Lily loves to tell everything Bye Bye (the dog “doh”, bird “bii”, school “KOOOL”, Mommy, Daddy, you name it). It’s a fun way to try out new vocabulary too. She actually said “bye bye ta-toh” to a tractor one day.
5. Ketchup: It's all she would eat for supper if Mommy and Daddy didn’t intervene. Lily loves ketchup. She’ll halfway say it too which sounds something like “kit kit”. Anything is dipping potential for ketchup: fries, weinies, green beans and especially fingers. She's added a nifty little Ketchup trick to her aresenal too. She smears the ketchup into oblivion on her tray then asks for more. Translation: more to play with (eating? not so much).
6. Dunno?: Lily holds out her hands, palms up, elbows bent and will say “dunno” when looking for or asked about something.
7. Nenekaka: Lily’s name for Aunt Karla. I noticed a weekend that Aunt Karla was down, Lily would alternate between labeling her Neenee and Kaka. So we combined the two labels into one fun name. We looove our Nenekaka which, when asked, will be “BACK” according to Lily.
8. Pig Sound: This could have been going on for a while and we just now got it as it’s not exactly a pig sound. It’s more like a cough/bark. But – close enough! I can see where the snort sound may be a little hard for a toddler!
9. Laugh Mimick: If Dale or I laugh about something, Lily will look up, check our expression and laugh along right with us. There’s a level of fakeness to it which only makes us laugh even harder.
10. Signing Updates: Specifically for bird, juice, crackers, and bath that we can decipher (which is really a big disclaimer as many times – we run off to the pc trying to Google the motion she just made). Though sometimes, I do think she does some Bluff Signing (i.e. making up something) just to see us confused!