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Super cute dress...1 teeny tiny problem
With the wonderful Christmas season approaching, I purchased a cute little holiday dress for my precious daughter last week. I was excited to find this dress because not only was the style cute, but the price was very nice, as well. So, lost in the utopia of finding a double threat dress (cute n cheap), I failed to do something very vital. I didn't give the dress a good Look-See. I eventually looked it over but not until after the purchase was made (big Mommy Mistake). When I finally looked it over, it was then that I realized, in the grips of utter chagrin and horror, why the dress was marked down. Yes, I believe there was a reason. Can you tell what this dress? Click on the picture of the dress to the upper left. I do hope I am alone in this assessment. Click HERE (PG-13) if you need the answer.
I don't think it's that bad. To me it just looks like the white scotty is behind the black one. But now that you've pointed it out to yourself - that's all you will see in the picture - so it's probably a lost cause. lol
That is HILARIOUS! I was looking for a hole in the dress or the fact that it was too short to wear without bloomers or something. DId I really just say bloomers? But then after looking at it, I thought everything looked good. Now I'm laughing hysterically! These will be Christmas pictures that you will never forget! LOL!
That is greatness!!! I looked and looked, then had an a-ha moment. Very nice Mommy, very nice.
That's hillarious. I'm embarrassed to admit that I noticed it right away. What does that say about me? Nevermind, don't answer that!
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