Anyway, the reason for this post is I found my genius invention, or at least something very close, in Kroger recently. It is a milk bone shaped cracker stick (for people). I was extremely excited to find this discovery. Sure it's not the exact same thing as my invention but its close enough. I opened the box only to realize there was a big big problem. They look too much like milk bones. I tested this theory by giving one to Lily and she immediately started looking for Max and tried handing him one. I'd rather Max eat people food than Lily eat dog food but this does NOT cure the 90lb dog gas problem. So, sadly, I admitted defeat. Since Lily has yet to really eat one, not to mention the mass confusion a milk bone shaped cookie would cause, Dale and I are left with the only remaining solution. We eat them all ourselves. We are still coping with this decision (I think I've eaten 10+ already).
Could you tell the difference between dog treat and human treat? Click HERE to see the answer.
this made me laugh so hard! that is just so funny! and, the fact that you guys are having to finish them off is quite humorous too. that's like some wheat graham crackers i bought for John that ended up tasting like cardboard and were as hard as a teeth are still hurting trying to finish off that box!
I really can understand the problem you speak of. We have Jake the bulldog ya know ;-) The up close detail of the for dog one was a little gross.
The sacrifices we make for our children. Your graham crackers sound a lot worse than ours, Krisha. At least ours (granted, Milk Bone shaped) taste yummy! ;-)
Yeah - sorry about the super ginormous milk bones pic. I'm scared to find out the ingredients!
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