10 Non Serious Things I'm thankful For (no order):
1. Newly cleaned public toilet. It's the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow. Sorry - I couldn't resist the cliche but it really is appropriate.
2. Wagging tail: I love our sweet Big Moose Dog Max and I especially love seeing his big wagging tail. It'll put a smile on even the most unsmilingest face.
3. Books turned into Movies: Lord of the Rings, Twilight, Harry Potter - the list is endless. Why read? Just wait a year then watch it with pictures!
4. DVR: I am convinced they show Live tv in hell.
5. Cell Phone: Not simply because it is communication anywhere anytime, but is is also a handy little flashlight (Crazy, remember).
6. New pair of socks: they are warm, snuggly and hole-free (great for shoe shopping too).
7. Internet shopping: never leave home, shopping in pajamas, redeeming coupon codes and free shipping to your door. Gosh I love the internet.
8. Soft cookies: are there any other kind of cookies?
9. Fast internet: Slow internet is the second thing that I think is reserved especially for hell. Dial up??? Nooooo!! Fast internet is truly heaven.
10. Google: Anything you could every want or wish to know on one website at your very fingertips. I use to love Google's grandfather: the Library. But now? Sorry Library but my love belongs to another. Maybe we can still be friends? I Googled the Library the other day. Does that help?
I way agree about slow internet and live tv in hell! lol I've also come to the assumption that if I was for real crazy and in a crazy house - I would hear Xmas music all the time. lol
I found this list hilarious! The internet stuff made me last the most. If there is anything that gest my blood boiling, it's a slow connection. I found that yelling at the computer and hitting it a few times seems to help. :)
Funny about googling the library. No I don't think that helps. I'm with you on soft cookies. Again this sounds JUST like a scrapbook page!
I laughed (and completely agreed) at the Live TV in hell comment. You are SO right! Also the cell phone flashlight. It's genius!
Love the list. Your brain, it's interesting!
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