Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh yeah: GraphJam!

Maybe I am the only one that does this, but on occassion, I am reminded of a fun website I havent visited in a good while. I blame Mommy A.D.D. (well, that and the infinite choices in websites to waste my time on). This happened recently when a friend reminded me of my love for graphjam. Here are a few that leave me in tears...And no - unfortunately I cant take credit for the first one - though I DO love my handy dandy flashlight phone.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dear John John

In an earlier post, I mentioned my recent outing to Canton with my dear friend Krisha (with a tag along storm trooper). We had so much fun. We met a little over a year ago over a Bag discussion. I had to have Krisha's diaper bag, only in Girl Fabric, otherwise, I may have skipped our conversation and just stole it...errr...kidding...yes...anywhooo....I'm not that bad...yet. :-) So, I asked Krisha about her bag and we've been chatting ever since. We are proof that God can use Bags and other awesome accessories to bring wonderful friends into your life.

However NOW, we have...The Rest of The Story. From the wonderful babysitter that watched Lily and John while their Mommies shopped-till-they-dropped, we have The John and Lily Playdate Pictures! Yay!

This is some serious Cuteness Overload. Please view at your own discretion. :-)

I think these will be adorable at their wedding rehearsal dinner. Hmmm... maybe I should book a venue now?

Monday, February 16, 2009

I Can Haz?

Oh hai! There is a website that I love and I finally decided to post a sample. It is I fully acknowledge its silliness. Oh yes, its Silly with a capital S. Like the tragedy of some people not finding Dumb and Dumber (comedy genius) funny, I realize this website may fall victim to the same unappreciative fate. In summary- this is some dorky goofy fun and I love it even if others don't. To give proper cred- I believe it was Cindy's sister Lisa that introduced me to this goofy humor addiction. Thank you Lisa, I owe ya. Here's a slide show of just a few of my favs...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pictures Post: January 2009

Here are a few photos from January. Gosh- its hard to believe January has already passed! Where does the time go?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have a theory that my daughter is an artistic GENIUS. One afternoon recently, we were talking about umbrellas. One was featured in a book we were reading that day. I drew an umbrella on her Magnadoodle, as well. Of course, that was quickly erased by Lily (Mommy's drawings rarely impress). Lily doodled some then left the Magnadoodle for another toy of interest. I looked down and saw THIS.... [the green one is for illustration]

Two random swirls or a Picasso inspired umbrella???? Per the green umbrella A La Mommy - you can see why Lily is quick to erase my silly ole drawings.

Looks like its time to get Lily an agent. :-)

Current Work Philosophy

I'm not one to post a lot of work stuff but I had to share this. Currently, we are in budget "season" at work and dealing extensively with the financial budgets for the entire company. Long story short: lots and lots and lots of budget stuff.

In honor of the budget mayhem, I took a picture of my marker board. This sums up my job pretty well right now...

Side note: That is an "I can haz cheezburger" cat in the corner. They have the funniest website EVAR.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away: CANTON

First Monday Trade-days in Canton is a pretty awesome thing to experience. Not only is the food one-of-a-kind, but the shopping is unlike any other place in Texas. Where else can you buy a goat, a new outfit, log furniture, name brand boutique goodies or personalized artwork all in one place? I love Canton for so many reasons.

After my recent trip to Canton with my dear friend Krisha, I have found a new love.

Forget the food, the goats, the log furniture and name brand boutique goodies and artwork...

It is Mr StormTrooper Man that I love.

I LOVE CANTON! Apparently, Canton's legend reaches ALL corners of the galaxy! [Cue the Star Wars theme music...]