Insert Witty post intro here. Its late and my brain is Lost-fried. So, on to the meat and potatoes!
Things I liked:
* More. Captain. Eyeliner. I love Ben's (paraphrased) statement of "Richard is the...advisor. Its been his role for a very very long time." Like Smokey, I love me some Richard air-time. He's one mysterious dude. There seemed to be a lot of Eyeliner Inner Torture too. Maybe he switched from Cover Girl to Loreal??
* Captain Eyeliner Theory: Richard is from an ancient Egyptian group (a la the four toed statue). I'll take a stab and guess from the Amarna time period (roughly 1350 BC- one of my fav time periods in Egyptian History- lots of god overhauls if you will [a nice tie-in with the island overhauls] - a young King Tut [Aaron?] is born...its the As the World Turns by the Scarab Beetle of Egyptian Drama).
* Seeing the Dr Chang and Wifey-With-Mini-Miles interaction. That is why Miles' Mom hated him! Dr Change did it out of LOVE. Awww!
* The mind bending physics of John telling Richard to go tell himself he'll need to die so John can chat with Richard in the now. Ugh- brain freeze. I cant type it out without sounding nutty (not hard to do, of course).
* The big Jacob (cob cob) trump at the end. Oh snap!!
* Another theory: John Locke is now the island ("now" being loosely defined, goodness knows I have no idea what "now" is!). But I think he is pure island. He HAD to die because the island needed his body. So sure, the island wants to tell a pre-dead John Locke to die. The island needs him. Well...his body, to over throw this Jacob dude.
* On a Nerdy Band Note (ha- no pun intended...ok- it was intended): I love Michael Giacchino's optimistic adventure themed score. I'm sure it has a name but knowing it would make me *cough* nerdy. Its a tune we havent heard in a while as is has that optimistic, adventure-like feel we became accustomed to in earlier seasons. It was playing as the Others left the beach side camp on the way to see Jacob (picture at the start of this post). I know I AM a band nerd when I find myself humming Giacchino's catchy score.
Things that made me go "Hmm", "what the?", "but...wait...", "oh for crying out loud" or simply pause the dvr as my brain defrosted:
* The mind bending physics of John telling Richard to go tell himself he'll need to die so John can chat with Richard in the now. (yes, I loved it and it also confused me). This show is very loopy. John told Richard where to find him as a kid in the 50s. John tells Richard to give himself some advice. Looopy.
* Yeah- so who is Jacob? Island enemy (assuming Locke = Island)?? Richard truly serves Jacob (as did Ellie, Charles and Ben)? So are Locke and Captain Eyeliner playing for different teams? Ha! Didnt mean it that way; boy, that's a whole other post!
* Faraday is really dead. Not so much a "hmm" as a "Nooooo". Granted, its possible Ellie is helping Jack to resurrect her poor son so it could be temporary. Still though... noooo...
* Okay really- THAT is your sub graphics?? Valiant effort but I had to laugh. I expected a CG Lara Croft to pop out of the top and start shooting.
* Richard's comment about Widmore and Hawkings love. Going blank on the exact wording but he was at a loss for the right word. "Love is complicated" something like that. And did I catch a hint of some Captain Eyeliner CRUSHING? What if Richard fell in love with someone?? It doesnt make sense on the surface but I wonder...that would spice things up a bit.
It's late, I'm tired so I'll fire this sucker off for the night (forgive the typos). I give it a 3.85 out of 4 toes. I doubt this show will ever get a bad Toe rating. I love it too darn much.
I agree it was sweet to see that Dr Chang sent his wife and child away out of good not evil. The sub graphics were hillarious. I expect better from LOST.
I love reading your comments...i always walk away going..."hmmm...this show is so unpredictable!" :)
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