Wow! 2 hours of Lost (3 if you count the recap). Yesch. My brain has been dipped in Lost batter and fried...mmm…Lost fries..mmmm…[Homer Drool Sound]…arrrhhhlllllllll...
Things I liked/Things that Made Me go Hmmm (with a finale, they are one-in-the-same really):
• Jacob: finally we learn more about this Jacob dude. There was speculation Jacob was Jack, Locke or someone stuck in time. Maybe he is stuck in time but seeing a new face & new character was somewhat refreshing to me.
• Jacob: finally we learn more about this Jacob dude. There was speculation Jacob was Jack, Locke or someone stuck in time. Maybe he is stuck in time but seeing a new face & new character was somewhat refreshing to me.
• Mysterious Black Shirt Dude: A new character! Wohoo! I speculate he is Smokey but who knows with this show.
• More flashbacks: Well hey there, Flashbacks. It’s been a while! We’ve gotten to know your counterpart Flash-Forward but I miss those good ole character-revealing Flashbacks.
• Jacob touched all those involved in the flashbacks – directly. He even brought John back to life (or at a minimum: conscious). What is up with his touch?
• More Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Statues! Wooo!
• Shoot outs! I won’t lie: I love shoot-outs even if the Doc manages to dodge ever skillfully shot bullet known to man.
• Rose, Beardnard and Vincent! Dale and I both were happy to see Vincent (Max was losing hope but I kept telling him the Puppy was ok). Rose and Beardnard were both pretty hippy too- speaking of being together, at peace, and ok with death. I wonder if they are the couple found in the caves from the first season (the island’s Adam and Eve)? I still wonder about that Couples identity. I have a feeling clues from the first season were big hints as to the shows finale. If you recall- John found them with a pouch containing one black rock and one white rock. Hmmmmm. Given the loopyness of this show, since John took the rock pouch, would he have to be the cave Adam? Okay...brain over-load. Owie (like Lily says)!
• Not-Locke?! What the heck!
• Locke is really dead (sure, “really dead” being relative on this show). But I was sad to see he is indeed deceased. “Dead is dead and there’s no coming back from that.”
• I loved Ben’s heart-felt rant at Jacob. It had a very spiritual tone, to me. Ben followed Jacob yet Jacob never showed he cared. Jacob never showed himself or met Ben personally. Jacob answers with “what about you?” and replies that Ben has a choice. Free will. Very spiritual-esque. Dale had a good theory about Lost turning into a very big Christian show at the end of season 6. One can only hope but Hollywood doesn’t have a good Spiritual track record.
• The Sawyer/Jack fight: like my love for shootouts, I love the man fights! Throw some punches! Roll around! Add in a couple choke holds! Arrr arr arr!
• John still in a coffin! It echoed last season’s finale – John dead, in a coffin. Loopy. I liked it!
• I found out later Richard’s translated answer to “What lies in the Shadow of the Statue?” – “The one who saves/protects us all.” So did Ben just kill their savior? Or is Jacob’s death KEY to him being their savior?? Bible, anyone?
• A great cliffhanger ending – I loved it as much as I hated it.
I’ll end it here. With 2 hours of Lost Greatness – I could go on and on. All in all, a healthy 4 toes out of 4.
Here is a video from The Fine Brothers. They offer some hilarious Lost parodies on their Youtube Channel. This is one of my favs. I love Lost enough to laugh at its Lostness....
I'll have to watch the video another time. Jason and I FINALLY watched the finale last night. Thankfully, we were able to avoid any details before that. We saw Jacob! I wonder how long ago it was that he had that conversation on the beach with the guy in the black shirt who wanted to kill him. Did his spirt inhabit Locke's body and convince Ben to kill Jacob. He said something about finding a loop hole. We kept saying "What's in the box?" and then towards the end I guessed that it might be Locke's body. It was weird that Jacob was present at different moments in their lives. Did he save Sayid from a freak car accident or or was he the one that had his wife killed and just distracted Sayind so he wouldn't save her. Would Sayid remember him if he saw his face? The dropping the bomb journey and actual scene was pretty intense. Poor Juliet. I guess the bomb going off would only save the people on the plane that crashed NOT Juliet who arrived there earlier on a submarine to do medical research? It did seem to have strong religious undertones.
OH, one more thing. I agree it was nice to see Rose, Bernard and Vincent. I had honestly kind of forgotten about them. I told Jason that I REALLLLY loved him, but I can't say I'd be happy living in a primitive shack on the beach with him forever. Does that make me a bad person?
At first I thought Rose and Bernard's house was Jacobs but I think they are different (who knows really).
That's a good question- when did Jacob and BlackShirt have that conversation? Was that the Black Rock approaching the island or some other ship from that era (1700s)?
I wonder if the loophole was that BlackShirt couldnt kill Jacob himself, but someone ELSE could. I'm guessing those who meet Jacob, do not want wish to kill him so Blackshirt really had to be patient for his chance. I think BlackShirt was recruiting Ben and Locke very early on and maybe the entire time. With individuals so brainwashed, only then can they kill "Sweet" Jacob. (all speculation of course- goodness knows I have no idea!)
I'm guessing it has been Blackshirt's/Smokey's possessions vs Jacob's influence, that we've seen so far. Kate's horse, Yemi, Ben's Mom, Christian - they are all Blackshirt vs Jacob. There's something about dead bodies on the island that seems calculated. The Others really wanted Amy's husband's body. When Sun shot the Other Lady (on the boat - season 2?) - the Others burned her body. Amy or Richard mentioned something about burying bodies DEEP. I wonder if that's to keep Smokey/BlackShirt from getting them and using them? With John dead and back on the island, Blackshirt/Smokey could use his body and only then- finish the big Con. Ick- my brain hurts!
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