Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I know I'm 30+ when...

1. A coupon organizer makes a LOT of sense

Book clubs sound halfway appealing

The age range for "them kids" has expanded to
college students

Going to bed at 8:30pm is AWESOME

The realization that the juniors department store
section isn't quite
for me anymore (nor is any other
section for that matter)

I'm investing more $$ into quality lotions for my
ever-increasingly dryer face, hands and legs

I'm actually called a Local by friends living in
the same "new" town I'm currently residing in (but
we JUST moved here - well, 10 years ago...holy moly!)

The crazy amount of items 5 years and older in
my house (like SHIRTS)

Naps. just. rock.

I simply LOVE my "frumpy" clothes. Love love love!!
And yes, some of them are bordering on 5+ years old.

I may add more to this later but that's an even 10 for now....


Unknown said...

Good list. Here's a few things that I know make me old(er). We bought matching his and her recliners for the living room and most nights after the kids go to bed we head to our respective chairs. The biggest consideration in buying a new car is how easy it is to get the kids in and out not how cool it looks on the road.

Lilypad Mom said...
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Lilypad Mom said...

Ooo- those are good Monica. I have totally sworn off 2 door cars for at least 20 years! That's funny about the recliners. I think another list may have to be added. Recliners are soooo nice.

Cindy said...

Love the list. Since I'm WAY older, I'll say that it makes me feel old when people younger than me make lists of what makes them feel old!!

Krisha Brooks said...

I just loved this list...I was laughing so hard..until of course I realized that I could relate to every item on there! :) Oh the joys of getting older! :)

Unknown said...

Your comment made me laugh Cindy!