Friday, May 28, 2010

Lost's Unanswered Questions

This is greatness! One of my favs: "What will Expose do now that their two main stars are dead??" Too funny! Also- poor Mr. Eko. I really liked him! One tidbit too: the actress who played Ben's Mother, Carrie Preston, is married to Ben Linus in real life (well, Michael Emerson, the actor). AND, she plays an awesome character on True Blood (Arlene).

Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Lost Thoughts on Lost's Finale

So I stayed up WAY past my bed-time, on a "school night" at that, to finally put an end to a series I have loved for several years. (Small side-note: thank you, Monica for getting me hooked on Lost. You deserve a shout-out!

I'll try to keep this brief. Haha! BRIEF and Lost Finale? No way. Well, its worth a shot, at least.

This may prove me a Lostie Light Weight but I felt a bit confused with the finale, at first. Here is a good representation of my reaction:

Things I liked:

1. Purgatory!! (well, "esque", really). The show was pegged as heavily Purgatory themed at first, then the theory thinned with passing seasons, only to have it reappear as the Flash Sideways, in the end. You are tricksy hobbitses, you Lost writers! Filthey tricksy hobbitses!!

2. Cyclical themes. This last season mirrored the first season. There were lots of mirrors in this season, too. The final moments were like the first moments: Jack, in the bamboo field with Vincent, zoom-in on the eye (see below). I love that type of completion. Could they have ended it any other way but on Jack's eye? Good job, writers (for filthey hobbitses, of course).

3. Wicked-New Mythology: A giant electromagneticky pool with a hieroglyphic plug?? Woah!

4. VINCENT! And with final scene Finale significance. I was so happy.

Things I didnt like:

I would've preferred the finale to be more about island mythology answers with cool unknowns about character fate. Not the opposite. (Yes, I read many-a interview withDamon and Carleton promising more character stuff vs mythology but dangit: I hoped they were pants on fire liar liars.) Perhaps this preference is the scifi-geek in me? I didn't care that the characters ended up happily dead with one-another. I just didn't. Too much was done last minute (imho) in terms of character development to justify an all-out character driven finale.

I could go on-and-on in this section but it comes down to this preference: mythology answers with some strong character hints would've been my cup o' tea. As it were, it was a decent cup o' tea, just my cup would've had more flavor and less sugar.

What Made Me Cry:

I can proudly say I made it all the way to the end. Well, until Vincent went to Jack in Jack's last moments. Oh man- I lost it. Kill off a ton of people and I'm ok. Put a dog in the scene and I'm done.

Though, the picture above makes me laugh, also. Vincent is SO eyeing a milk bone off-scene going "wait for it...wait for it...milk bone will be mine....stay by bloody dude...staaayyy...milk bone....".

Any thoughts, comments, angered annuciations?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who is the Fairest Funniest of Them All?

Lily loves a mirror: but not an arrogant type of love. Her love for the mirror is best explained visually (please see below).

Who needs tv?! That bottom-left pose cracks me up every time!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lost Laughs

As the Series Finale of Lost draws near...I had to balance the sorrow of its completion with something silly.

Check out the new Lost Connect Four Million!

And while we're at it: bloopers from last season!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Keys to Me

I had an ephiphany. I was pilfering through my many membership keychain-tags to prove the ever prestigious standing of membership privilege, a la tiny keychain-card, to the cashier when it occurred to me. My keys describe me! See below:

Music and Arts
: where I go for band supplies and band related products. How this describes me (or HTDM): I am a musical prodigy. Ok......I am a tad geeky.

Dick's Sporting Goods: Hey- I'm sporty! I'm ever-so-slowly starting to do more outdoorsy things, thank you very much. :-) HTDM: I'm sporty dangit.

Baby's R Us /Toys R Us: A parenting must-have (granted, used less now vs the past). HTDM: I'm a parent.

CVS: It's located near my work and a fast run-in-run-out type place. HTDM: I'm not organized enough to eliminate the need for quick in-and-out type places.

Best Buy Reward Zone : That one is worn though sadly it is due to age vs use. It is the keychain tag I've had the longest (and wish I used more). HTDM: I. love. electronics.

Last but not least: Kroger: my favie place to buy groceries and get prescripts. Don't eeeeeeeven get me started on why they are the best. Let's just say I save Walmart Supercenter (or "Super Walmarts" as I like to call it...insert banjo music) for moments when I feel I'm due torture. [shudder] HTDM: I'm anti-Walmart(s).

Oh, almost left it off: the pink rock-climbing clip. You never know when a spelunking opportunity presents itself. Ok...I do not spelunk that often. Mission Impossible moments? No? Well, it would be top secret if I had such moments. (hee hee) Ok, ok: I use that clip to keep my keys out of Nevernever Land. Mr Clippy keeps my keys found and easy to locate. How this describes me: I really do not like to lose stuff. And... I'm a secret agent. ;-)

There you have it: the keys to me!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Favie Five Pics from April

Favie April pics: wooo!!

Taking a walk with Uncle Henry out in East Texas....

I love Lily's expression!

I'm a sucker for swing pictures so I had a hard time picking my favie.

Lily informed us that not only is she a Princess but she is "Princess Super Bunny" (I should've known by the tiara-mask!)

Our Paulownia tree went nutso with blooms this year. I had a bazillion pics of gorgeous blooms on the tree but this ended up a favie: the blooms in their final glory as they blanketed our backyard.