Sunday, January 18, 2009

Double Fortune Fun

I have been on a Chinese food kick lately so I have quite the stock pile of Fortune Cookies. As a disclaimer, I do not believe a fortune cookie holds any mystic power (unless you count Tasting Yummy as Mystic). They’re fun to open up, read, and in my book: quite tastey. That’s all. No hocus pocus, no hoodoo voodoo. They’re JUST a yummy cookie.

Over the years, I’ve kept a few fortunes which, for all intents and purposes, are more Observation Cookies – not those of Fortune. Another disclaimer: no, I still don’t believe in them, even if just in Observance. Examples which I have kept for fun are: “Your ability to find the silly in the serious will take you far” and “You long to see the Great Pyramids”. Duh and…well, duh. There you have it – my life summed up by two cookies [insert both disclaimers]. Though really, that IS pretty close. I actually combined the two at one point, as I saw the Great Pyramids all the while being a little silly (pre-Fortune Cookies)…

Recently, I received a package with TWO fortune cookies! Two in one! Had I believed in Fortune Cookie Mystic Powers, this would have of been my pièce de résistance, by far. But alas, it simply meant two fun fortunes (or observations) and two tastey cookies for my tummy. Granted, I took pictures before chomping commenced just in case internet stardom was possible. HEY- I’m not above Internet Stardom….

And the two fortunes?

Fortune One: It is impossible to please everybody, please yourself first.

NICE. And to think I'm not a Fortune Cookie Mystic Powers believer. I am clearly missing out.

Fortune Two: Opportunity knocks on your door every day- answer it.

But what if answering the door doesn’t please me? Aww- we have a Cookie Impasse. They cancel each other out. I shall never know Opportunity as I do not wish to get up off my hiny and answer the door. Touché Cookie, touché.

If you ever had any fun fortunes (or observations) – I’d love to hear them. Of course, should you not share, or worse: shun this posting, remember... memory is foggy once one becomes Internet Famous. :-)

Christmas Holidays 2008

Here are a few pictures from the Christmas Holidays (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and one from New Years Eve). Better late than never, right? (Please say yes.) To pause the slide show, hover the mouse over a picture and the slideshow will pause...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to Mommytown!

I am...... a Mom. I waited a while before becoming one, I’ll admit (married 8 years prior to Lily’s arrival). I watched as many beloved girlfriends before me packed up their stuff, put a For Sale sign in the lawn and left my hometown of D.I.N.K.ville for the more family friendly, Mommytown. Of course, as you well know, I eventually made it there, too. One thing about Mommytown, you’re an active citizen the moment of arrival. How do I know this? Well… a few things…

1. While at the supper table, Lily had a code Double Doo. This bothered me, oh yes, but only because I was about to eat a cookie and code clean-up would keep me from my beloved cookie. A big stinky, yucky diaper next to me while trying to eat? No biggie. But keeping me from my cookie? Not cool.

2. I went out for a quick grocery trip and realized halfway into shopping that I had dried boogers on my sleeve. I’m not sure what’s worse – the problem of having something very gross on me or the fact that I, apparently some time in the past (as they had definitely dried), hung this shirt up in my closet with boogers and never noticed. Or, worse yet, the fact that I didn’t run home in horror but finished my shopping first.

3. I hum kid tunes way too much – more so than even the latest hits on the radio (or any hits for that matter). Where’s Jeff? Has he gone for a ride? Ask me about the latest top 40 hit and you'll get something from...oh...2006. Destiny's Child split? What? Well, at least I have The Up Down Song from Bunnytown to console me.

4. I automatically assume my belongings have been relocated elsewhere by a creative little toddler. I usually begin my morning with the Find-My-Shoes-and-Hair-Brush search followed by Remove-Misc.-Items-from-the-Tub drill. On the same note, I double check the trash a lot.

5. I have made some spectacular Lily catches. I’ve never been sports savvy but boy, Mommytown has awoken some sort of catch talent buried deep within. I usually aim for the head when priority prevails. Second priority is a limb of some sort to catch and stop the fall altogether. Sometimes, I go on the offense by cupping my hand over a past-offensive corner or protruding cabinet as a speedy toddler zooms by. Also, I am genuinely sad when no one is around to witness some of my spectacular-ness. Some of these catches should go in the Guinness Book of World Records!

Mommytown is a happening place. That's for sure. This could easily be much longer but as most of you know, Mommytown Time is precious so I’ll end it here for now.