Sunday, January 3, 2010

6 Favorite Pics from Sept, Oct and Nov

Instead of boring my readers (all 3 of you, bless you) with a long pictures post, I decided to try a "favorite pictures" post. In an effort to get caught up to current, here are 2 favorite pictures, per month, for September, October and November. "Favorite" varies in definition for me. Sometimes it means silliest, or most memorable or even the small things I dont want to forget. And other times, it means a picture that I thought was just so stinkin' pretty. Enjoy!


A Silly favorite of mine

The girl loves a mirror! So a Common Moment favorite


She doesn't do this often, so a rare moment
I don't want to forget. Also, monkey see monkey do.

A Cute favorite


A moment I dont want to forget: wearing stockings
and decorating the tree.

Composed by chance and a definite favorite.
This one also shows I was behind on pics-
I took Halloween pics a tad into November.


Unknown said...

Love the favorites. I can see why each one was a favorite. Isn't it great when you get a cool artsy one totally by chance? That's usually the only way I get one :-)

Cindy said...

I love all of those!!! Great photographer, great subject. I love the moments that you want to remember. She's getting so big so fast!