1. “Ew Doing”: Or “What ya doing”?: One of two statements that have almost sent me to the crazy house due to ad-nausem repetition. It is said in total disregard to an answer, too. At first, I would answer “Fixing dinner”, “Putting on my shoes”, or “Just kidding, not fixing dinner”. I learned quickly, the answer rarely mattered. Finally, I decided to one-up her and replied, “I dunno. What are YOU doing?”. She replied flatly, “Mommy.” Dang. Almost had her.
2. “Whats THAT?”: The partner to #1 in the Mommy to Crazy House Send Off statements. This is also repeated and asked regardless of answer. I tried the “what do you think, Lily”. She replies again, “Mommy”. She’s a tricky one.
3. “Where’s_______”: We play this “where is” game a lot. Often it is an appendage or toy that is missing. There are times when the entire Lily is missing. The crazy thing is: she’s usually right under our nose hidden only by a mere napkin or sippy cup on her head.
4. “STOP!”: What Lily yells when our coolness is just too much for her. Usually this occurs when I attempt to sing a song or play with a toy. She just looks at me and yells “STOP”. We’re working on this one, of course, as it teeters into the Rude category (a fine line with Toddler Communication, I am learning).
5. “Eebees”: Or “Blueberries”: It’s a word I wish I could keep as-is. Eebees is just way cuter than boring ole “blueberries”.
6. “Wripes”: or “Grapes”: Sounds simply enough but little Lily cant get that "g" nor “a” in grapes. It is wripes, case closed.
7: Misc. one word vocab improvements: “seep” or Sleep; “ceeeze” or Cheese; “dunno” for Don’t Know; “kitty kitty” for Fasb (interchangeable with “Maow” for Fasb, as well); “Walk” when she wants down/out from being contained; “bubblesh” for Bubbles; and "THAT" - when in doubt and not sure of an item, she labels it "THAT". "Lily - what is that object you are holding?" She replies, "That, Mommy". Touche, tiny toddler. Touche.
8. “Barney Babop Riff”: How she requests watching a lovely episode of Barney and Friends. She mentions 3 of the main characters all in a burst of slurred words.
9: Sentence fragments: “Back, okay, Mommy?” or “Where’s Max? ‘Side!”: I am constantly amazed at the amount of communication our little 2 year old accomplishes. Her sentence fragments prove to be quite efficient. I notice a lot of my facial expressions mixed in with her fragments, too.
10. “Appppllleeee Juuuuice”: A song Lily loves to sing when just being silly. Her expressions always crack me up (see video below; this video is in my top 5 favorite Lily videos so far)…
I LOVE all the new words...and that video is SO CUTE! Oh my gosh...I can't believe how much she is talking and communicating. She really cracks me up and she looks so much like you Leah in that video!! What a darling!
So cute. Audrey, Cole and I watched the video on youtube last night and left comments there. They thought it was hillarious of course!
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