I'm Anti-Spoiler and I ramble like crazy about Lost. So - consider yourself warned!
Things I loved:
* John and Ben: John had Ben's number! Normally John seems to flounder about but he was very focused, very confident and dead-on (no pun intended) about Ben's motives. I loved watching Ben's "holy crap, he knows" facial expressions.
* Johns quote of Ben's desk being "so corporate". Team Locke, baby!
* More. Frikin'. Smokey!! I love Smokey-centric (mythological) episodes. I wonder, are we seeing the flashbacks and forwards as SMOKEY would want us to? Are we really watching the show from his point of view? I pieced this together after Smokey showed Ben the flashback "movie" we had just viewed in that very same episode. Previously, in a similar scene, when Smokey met Mr Eko (season 2?) - Smokey flashes a similar Already-Seen-Flashback Movie in front of Eko. Like Ben's Smokey Movie, Mr Eko's Smokey Movie (you have to slow down the dvr for Eko's Smoke Movie) was all stuff we had seen in the episode via flashbacks. Hmm. So is the island showing us what it wants us to see? It's a crackpot theory, I know.
* Smoke Similarities: Along the same lines as the previous paragraph: Post Smokey Movie, Alex appeared, gave Ben an order, and Ben followed. Ben lived. Like Alex's appearance of "you must do this, do you agree??", Mr. Eko was soon visited by his dead brother Yemmy (?sp). Yemmy asked him for repentance basically (giving him a choice). Mr Eko declined, showed no remorse of his sins and then Smokey, well, smoked him out. Ben showed remorse, he was forgiven, he lived. Interesting correlation. It would appear that Smokey does indeed "judge" as Ben mentioned.
* Ben's shock of "your friends were in the Dharma Initiative?!". I wondered, too, does he remember Juliet? There's a painting of a Juliet looking girl in Ben's house. Did he paint that from memory of some motherly woman he knew and it was actually JULIET? Juliet wasn't in the Dharma Class Photo so Ben may still be unaware Juliet was Dharma too.
* Frikin' Egyptian Hieroglyphs! If you know anything about me, you know I LOVE LOVE LOVE Egypt. Sure we've seen hints of some hieroglyphs already but seeing them in all their temple-esque glory was awesome. I look forward to checking my favorite Lost Screen Shot website for HD quality viewings of them (here's the website, scroll to the bottom of the page when it loads, NO spoilers)
* A 30s ish Widmore! He was a little more Antonio-Banderas than I expected but still far from disappointing.
* So Penny wasnt killed! Yay! I was dreading that scene for a long time. I guess it was the intent of murder that Ben was apologizing for. I can't picture Ben recovering from that beating enough to go back and kill Penny. Sidebar: Boy Ben sure gets BEAT a lot!
* Ben telling a young Rousseau, "If you hear whispers, RUN". I dont recall Ben addressing the issue of the whispers before. It was cool to hear the acknowledgment and his advice (RUN). It makes me wonder even more, what ARE the whispers? Smokey Whispers? Island Whispers? Time Anomaly Whispers??
* A horse is on the island! Sure we've seen a mysterious black horse as part of a Kate-centic episode but seeing someone (widmore at that) riding a horse? Sorry but I thought it was cool. Lame, sure, but COOL.
More Questions:
* Ben mentioned Widmores daughter with an outsider (as he bid farewell to Widmore at the sub). So Penny's mom isnt Eloise Hawkings? OR - is Eloise (or Ellie) an outsider??
* How did John know so much about the temple? We know Smokey and John have met before (season 1). Was part of his Smokey encounter a relaying of vital Temple information? "Hey John, I'm Smokey. Nice to meet ya. Here's a map of the temple. Chat with ya later!"
* The Ajira 4 (was it 4?) harassing poor Frank about what's in "the shadow of the statue". Why are they asking? It's no shock, really, that they know this stuff. Was it just me or was a perfect answer to their question: Ummm- well, the Shadow is in the Shadow of the Statue (Smokey!).
* Going under the temple? Why? Does Ben know this way and that's why he originally wanted to go through the temple Wall? All that Temple knowledge boggles my mind. I loved Sun's reaction to the temple. You and me both, sista.
* Et tu, Ben? Poor Caesar. Betrayed by his friend Ben (very Julius Caesar if you ask me). So was he a pawn in an effort to win Ben's trust or did Ben really hope Caesar would kill John? Or both?? That Ben is so slimey.
* Pity for Ben: Though I will say, despite his slimeyness, I do feel sorry for Ben. He lost his daughter. How can anyone, especially a parent, not find sorrow in that? For a second, I thought the island resurrected Alex but alas- she was just another messenger. Kudos to the Lost folks for giving me a bad guy I fear yet pity.
* So many Smokey questions. There are so many. This show added even more to the list.
Okay- this is getting out of hand so I'll end it here for now. Lost 5:12? 4 toes of 4)!!
*Update: General Musing: The Island Wanted Alex Dead: That's my conclusion at least. Smokey infected Rousseaus crew w/some sort of "sickness" (after the one-arm pull below the temple). We witnessed Rousseau's hubby, after talking of the Smokey Security System with great knowledge, try to shoot Rousseau himself. That makes me think that the Island really wanted her dead. So was Widmore right? The Island did want this? But how could it? Killing a tiny baby? If the Island wanted Alex alive, it would of intervened (as it has with John countless times). Ben told Widmore (post Alex's death) - that Widmore broke the rules. Maybe Widmore didnt! Maybe Widmore was following them exactly and BEN was breaking the rules? I wonder too: what if Ben is ultimately the good guy- trying to make a Bad island good? (Or bad spirit:good, bad smokey: good, whichever)?
Girl, that was an awesome recap!! You need to do that each week...it makes me think deeper on the epsiode...which pretty much makes my brain want to explode, but I'm ok with that. :) This show rocks...I don't know what i will do when it's over!! :)
So I suppose I'm the one reader you count as the "non-Lost fan." Guilty. Ah well, the rest of your ramblings are candy, so I'll skip over this one, k?
I so agree Krisha. My brain wants to explode! I find myself pausing the dvr a lot just to soak it all in. Yes Cindy, that one is YOU! haha!
I too loved the "so corporate" comment.
I liked learning more about the Ben/Widmore relationship and what made them enemies in the first place. I think Widmore broke the rules by leaving and being with an "outsider". Widmore was obviously upset when young Ben was brought into their camp and was "chosen". Alpert said something like the island chooses who the island chooses but I think he always resented Ben for taking his place. But now it looks like Locke is taking Ben's place. You could tell it bothered him and I liked when he said "how do you know? Is it a gradual thing or do you just wake up one morning and know?" I love Ben's facial expressions and delivery.
I think Ben was also apologizing for shooting Desmond when he went for Penny. I'm glad Penny lived, it's a great love story!
I've never really known for sure if Ben was a "good" guy or "bad" guy but last night he really came across as good. He couldn't kill the baby or Rousseau and couldn't kill Penny when he saw her child. Even before that you could tell it was hard for him to do because he was apologizing to her. He really felt bad for what happened to Alex and realizes the error he made by not just leaving with the freighters.
The Caeser twist was interesting. I think he was partly winning Locke's trust but also I think he saw Caeser emerging as a leader but in a bad way and wanted to put an end to that.
I love the show too. But it's funny that we like it kind of for different reasons. I actually don't like the smokey part or the time travel stuff as much. That stuff is a little too far out for me so I focus more on the relationships and how everyone fits together.
In the previews it looks like miles talks to the dead to find out more about what's happened on the island. That should be interesting.
That's right- Ben DID shoot Desmond. That gives his apology a lot more clarity. :-) I forgot Dez was shot!Dez was beating Ben so that I forgot he was kicking butt with a bullet wound. Yikes. Stay away from Dez!
That's a good point too about Ben NOT killing a lot of people. Sure he killed Caesar and killed John but were his motives even in his killings good too? Makes you wonder?
Something I forgot was how awesome the Ben/Locke "Elephant in the Room" dicussion was. "Oh - you mean the fact that I killed you?" That was great. I love how John makes Ben squirm. Ben's answer to Why he killed Ben was a little wishy-washy to me. Plus - what was the "crucial information" Ben spoke of (according to Ben, he got that information THEN killed John). The Eloise info? Was THAT the crucial stuff (I think Ben killed John right after John mentions Eloise).
I should back pedal some. I do love the emotional part of Lost. My fav episode is STILL "The Constant" (where Penny calls Dez). I cried and cried! To me, this episode was their best mythological one yet.
I agree - I'm looking forward to a Miles episode!! He's been quiet lately.
OH MY WORD! My head is spinning reading your recap! You'e one of THOSE ppl!! I keed.. I keed! An uber nerd made from parts of lesser nerds! hehe Actually, I loved it! You remember things that I totally forgot about! I might have to go buy all of the seasons to remember! This is possibly the best show ever! Where is the polar bear?? We haven't seen the bear in a long time.. and what is with Robert? (Is that his name? The guy with the mascaraed eyes)Am I crazy or does he seem timeless? This show needs a study book.
I love Richard! He IS very timeless. I heard someone (Sawyer? Or on a blog...no telling)call him Captain Eyeliner. That cracks me up! He's a mystery!
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