Things I loved:
* More Air Time for Miles (or...wait for it..."Air Miles"): I'm glad we learned more about Miles. I doubt his lineage surprised anyone but still- its cool to get verification. Hearing more explanation (albeit still too vague for my liking) of his "power" was nice.
* More Hurley and Miles: No, I wont punish anyone (the 3 of you) with another bad Miles joke. I love the comedic (and informational!) dynamic of Miles and Hurley.
* Hurley's, "But I like the kitchen" and also "Dude, you're just jealous because my power is better" comments cracked me up.
* Naomi! What up girl? And more talk of Widmore's Plane + Different Bodies cover up. Its a good reminder of Widmore's power and agenda.
* The AFC (Ajira Frank Clockers) show up at the end in the van. I'm still sticking to my AFC theory (they are DHARMA). They sound all hippy and tree huggerish with their enlightenment type talk.
* A look into a corrupt 70s Dharma group (the inner circle) and all sorts of Treaty Breakin' with the Swan construction (sector 32 was it?). Its no shocker the Hostiles get ticked-off enough to go the Purge route. Provoked maybe?
* Danny boy!! I love me some Crazynuts Faraday.
Things That Made Me Go Hmmm:
* More with the AFCs thus more questions: they know of Miles' powers and also, others have powers, as well. Reaalllyy? They hinted of the war Widmore referenced, too. In summary: ????!.
* Is Miles' Mom a liar? (GASP- people lie on this show?!). Is his Daddy really dead? Pierre looked pretty DaddyHappy with his Baby Miles, too. So...he didnt like him? Doesnt make sense. What if he's still alive and....wanting to get back on the island???? Is he the AFC Boss??
* Crazy Little Faraday: so he's back AND he knows Miles. So which Faraday is this or, to clarify, what does THIS Faraday know? He's too old to be Actual Time Faraday sooo...how'd he get there? Is he From Way In the Future Miles?
Okay- so I'll end it here for now. Verdict? 2.75 toes out of 4. Not too shabby!
The Hurley Miles interaction is fun. I loved that Hurley was writing the Star Wars sequel. I wondered about Dr. Chang (is it?)after seeing him so happy with his son. Did his mom lie to get him away from his evil dad or did something really happen later that made him put his agenda ahead of his son.
I think all this lost posting is because Dale's working late and your filling the void with lost theories ;-)
The Star Wars sequel WAS funny! I agree - Dr Chang seemed really happy with baby Miles. I wonder if its Purge related? Did his Dad say something to get his family off the island pre-purge? I just dont trust Miles' Mothers "story".
Without Dale around as much, my energy-focused creativity was getting Scary!! I actually had a thought to make a video with Lily's Cat puppet. Dale concurred: April 15th came at a good time for a lot of reasons! :-)
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