Monday, March 16, 2009

Lily Tantrum Scale (so far)

Because I am a visual kinda gal...I tried to cook up a Lily Tantrum Scale graph (very much "in process"). Lily is such a sweet little girl but as her 2nd birthday nears, we've noticed an increase in Tantrum occurances. This graph reflects the various levels thus far. Click on the picture to enlarge...

Legend Information:

1. Yes/No/Yes/No - the indecisiveness that begins it all. "Yes- Juish", I hand it to her, "NO!". Rinse and repeat, a hundred times (Mommy has learned to quit offering and Just Say No). This inevitably triggers the....

2. Fussy Trot- I have to force myself not to laugh during this level. She'll follow after me in an exaggerated jog emphasizing each syllable with her steps. I'll need to get this on video as describing it gives NO justice to her skill.

3. Throwin' Stuff - pretty self explanatory.

4. Mad Lil Banshee - recognizable by loud high pitch screaming.

5. Looking up "Exorcism" - as the little monster in front of me is not the Lily I know. Lily is such a sweetie and, as I've stated before, is very tender-hearted. But when that little monster moves in? Forget sensitivity. Grunt crying, sobbing, dramatic falls to the ground. Anyone know a good Catholic priest? :-)


Krisha Brooks said...

This is HILARIOUS! I think I need to put it on my blog too!

Karla said...

I can't wait to see this in person!