Sunday, August 2, 2009

A John John July

Lily and her sweet classmate/friend/betrothed-husband-to-be, John John, have seen each other a lot this month (in addition to school, which they attend together). John John's birthday, a play-date at Lily's casa, a stop at the aquarium and various nights out at church have yielded a bunch of pictures I have to show.

Check out the pics and video below. There are several more videos on Youtube (click on the video to seem more). Oh yes..there are more!! Not only does Lily have a blast with John John but his parents are our good friends and are fun to hang out with. Arranged marriages? They don't sound so awful from this perspective. haha!

My favorite of the John John and Lily Videos, titled: Ow! and Aw!


Krisha Brooks said...

I love "a John John July!" Now we need a "Lily August" and just keep the trend going! :) It's so wonderful to have good friends with a child the same age as John...he's definitely loving all this wonderful playtime with Lily!

Unknown said...

They're so cute together!