Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lily Roof

Lily has known her name for some time, that is not new. What is new is finally getting the full pronounciation on video. She often calls me (spelled phonetically), "Mommy Roof Stohman". She even occassionally calls herself, "Lily Moof Stohman". Moof? Really? You know what, who cares? It's so precious I may never correct her. (Reason #9 why we will never home school Lily.)

Want to see my Top 10 List Why I Shall Never Teach Home School?


Unknown said...

Love the top ten list. I agree. How about #11. Don't them there taxes cover schoolin' for the lil ones?

Karla said...

LMNOP is always one letter to kids - and that's hard to break. Not a good habit once kindergarten rolls around! We do not have nap time at my school but there difinitely might be a Mrs. Thomas quite time. You reference reading nerd books - but you will find that some childrens books are awesomeeeee! You will have favorites in a few years. I agree with movie day! I'm not that smart either that's why I teach kinder! lol.

Loveeeeeeee the video - she is tooooooo cute saying her whole name!

Krisha Brooks said...

that video is so precious!! i can't believe she says her whole name...i haven't even thought about asking John what his full name is. Although, i'm pretty sure he knows it...when I say John Miller Brooks, he stops dead in his tracks and looks at me with the "who me?" eyes. :) The top ten list was hilarious!!!

Cindy said...

Great top ten - very wise my dear!

The video is adorable of course, but Stolman sounds like "Snowman" to me!! hehe!