Sunday, September 27, 2009

Little People & Little Daddy's Logical Locale

Lily has a Little People house. I've helped Lily associate where to put things in the Little People house. Examples include: bed upstairs by the baby's bed, couch and chairs downstairs in the living area. You get the idea. As a joke, I'd always place Daddy People in the same spot. Now, Lily always places "Daddy" in the exact same (albeit jokingly placed) spot. See if you can find Little "Daddy". It always makes me laugh.

Complete with flushing sounds, I should add. I love Little People!


Unknown said...

Cute. I'll make my guess using something Audrey would say "Daddy Pooty?" Audrey's really been into playing with her little house lately too.

Krisha Brooks said...

That's hilarious!! love it! Isn't it fun to teach our kids something funny like that? heh! heh! I love being the puppet master! LOL!