Things I Liked:
1. One of the things I loved the most was the parallel to The Constant episode which is my favorite Lost episode. Which one was The Constant? To recap quickly- it’s the one where Desmond’s conscious time travels all over the place and it takes contact with Penny (his Constant) that becomes of dyer importance. Basically, if Penny did not love him, he would literally die; her loved truly saved him. The big emphasis was the Desmond/Penny relationship and frankly, I just cant get enough of their sweet sweet story. So I was just giddy as the show unraveled as a tribute of sorts to The Constant.
2. More Blanks Filled In: We see more of Theresa, we learn Daniel himself was effected by his experiments, we see his Oceanic News Cry scene extended and the building up to his appearance, from earlier in the season, in the Orchid scene. We learned his relationship with his mother was indeed strained and of course, the big reveal with his father (no, not completely shocked but I still love to hear it). We also learned where Faraday went in the 70s (off island!). Fill in those blanks! I love it!
3. No chocolate before dinner: Charlotte mumbles this right before she dies in an earlier episode. It was cool to see where her conscious traveled in the past as she said the exact same thing *to Faraday* (as he spoke to her on the swing). That made her death scene even more meaningful to me and Daniel’s effort to try and save her even more heart-wrenching.
4. Best tear ever : As Penny is reunited with Desmond, amidst a beautiful scene show-casing such endearing love, a perfectly timed tear descends the length of her nose. I know it’s a tangent but I think the tear should get an Oscar. Well done! Okay- maybe its just a small indicator of the greatness of that scene (to me). The Desmond/Penny Love Story is near and dear to my heart.
5. Gun fights and 'Splosions!: I wanted to applaud during the gun fight. Yeah! Bring on some bullets!! Shoot ‘em – shoot em! Then YES – fuel – shoot the fuel!! Kaboom!! Wooo! I went from being an emotional noodle one scene to doing a tribal monkey dance around exploding flames the very next minute. Gosh I love this show!
6. Jack taking the lead! Sure it was jerky and I DO like Sawyer’s new leadership skills but I loved Jack taking the helm. The dynamics of that scene were great. Jack appeals to Kate, talks about Aaron and Sawyer then calls Kate Freckles. When Juliet replied, “We are done here” at first I thought she picked up on Sawyers “Freckles” name and the potential Love in that term but no- I think she meant they were done with their quiet little stay in New Otherton. Or maybe not? Juliet can have some defiant/creepy looks that make me go…Hmmm. Speaking of Hmmm….
Things that made me go, “Hmmm”…
1. Time travel confusion: I know there are people that have this figured out. I am not one of them. So now there are variables? So they can change the future – but not the past? But can a conscious past/future be changed? Will the entire series end with flight 815 landing calmly on the LAX runway with Jack, Kate and crew still knowing what really happened? Ugh…brain is smoking.
2. Is Daniel dead? The preview for next week shows Jack & Crew with Daniel's journal. He dropped his backpack in the camp before he was shot. So its not a tell-tale sign he IS dead. Anyone could pick up his stuff (including his MOM). I fear my little crazynuts Faraday is indeed Fara-dead.
3. It boggles my mind that Daniel’s Mom would send him back knowing he would be killed. By her. Sure Eloise is a bit heartless- but THAT heartless??
4. This isn’t so much a “Hmm’ as it is a “Oh for crying out loud!”. Why do people on this show either a) lose or b) just totally take off and leave their kids? Sun leaves her daughter, Kate hands off Aaron to yes, his biological Grandma but she’s a STRANGER, then Penny’s like “oh ok- yeah strange nurse: watch my precious child I had with my soulmate while I skip off to see him”. WHAT? People- stop leaving your kids!
All in all- a healthy 3.2 out of 4 toes.