Lily had a blast. This is the first year she was an active parade watcher so I was impressed at her geniune interest and quality wave technique. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked. The Yamboree is pretty much in our blood. Lily's Great Memaw was a duchess back in the 40s. Lily's Mom [me], Grandmother [Nena], Poppi and Aunt Karla have been active participants in the parade as well. That Yamblood runs deep; prick our finger and we bleed dark orange. Ok, nevermind - thats kind of gross. But you get the point. We luv us some yams!
On to the pictures!! **Pictures of Yamboree Past added 10/23!** Tidbit I learned: to delay the slide show, hover over a picture with the mouse pointer.
Love the Yam blood - so funny. You're going to have to tell me how you did the slide show! I love it and plan to plagiarize!
Very nice slide show. I love the picture of her in awe. I didn't realize the yam blood ran THAT deep. What a fun tradition!
I LOVED the pictures! What a great festival...who doesn't love yams???? I assume you had a yammin good time! Oh no..I think I have some yamboree blood in me! :)
The pictures from the past that you just added are greatness!
You forget that Mom was a majorette for Gilmer so she's been in the parade, AND I've been in it for dance and the band. So further proof it is a family tradition!
That's true! I updated the blog to include you and Poppi, Karla. Grandmother = Nena so I added "Nena" to clarify.
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