Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yamboree Awesomeness

We made our annual pilgrimage to the Yamboree this past weekend. Activities include parade watchin' Saturday morning followed by a trip to the rec center to see how our pictures faired in the photo contest. My family is usually very laid back, but throw a photo contest in the mix and we turn vicious. We ALL enter photos in the contest. It's an extra incentive to place (bragging rights naturally) as well as reason to carry a black sharpie around (for impromptu "photoshopping" like...oh...accidental mustaches). Ok - we're not that competitive........yet.

Lily had a blast. This is the first year she was an active parade watcher so I was impressed at her geniune interest and quality wave technique. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked. The Yamboree is pretty much in our blood. Lily's Great Memaw was a duchess back in the 40s. Lily's Mom [me], Grandmother [Nena], Poppi and Aunt Karla have been active participants in the parade as well. That Yamblood runs deep; prick our finger and we bleed dark orange. Ok, nevermind - thats kind of gross. But you get the point. We luv us some yams!

On to the pictures!! **Pictures of Yamboree Past added 10/23!** Tidbit I learned: to delay the slide show, hover over a picture with the mouse pointer.


Cindy said...

Love the Yam blood - so funny. You're going to have to tell me how you did the slide show! I love it and plan to plagiarize!

Unknown said...

Very nice slide show. I love the picture of her in awe. I didn't realize the yam blood ran THAT deep. What a fun tradition!

Krisha Brooks said...

I LOVED the pictures! What a great festival...who doesn't love yams???? I assume you had a yammin good time! Oh no..I think I have some yamboree blood in me! :)

Unknown said...

The pictures from the past that you just added are greatness!

Karla said...

You forget that Mom was a majorette for Gilmer so she's been in the parade, AND I've been in it for dance and the band. So further proof it is a family tradition!

Lilypad Mom said...

That's true! I updated the blog to include you and Poppi, Karla. Grandmother = Nena so I added "Nena" to clarify.