Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lily Doins (video edition) 12-09-08

Instead of typing out the Tends to Be Lengthy list of Lily Doins, I figured I'd show it via video this time. Lily is now embarking on adventures in small sentences. Examples you'll see in the video below are: Thank you Mommy (or Daddy), Nite Nite Babies, Hi Max, No Bark and SIT. Enjoy!


Karla said...

I like how she looks at Max when she says, "Hi Max."

Krisha Brooks said...

wow! that is so amazing to see her speaking in sentences now...with John 4 months behind her it amazes me at what he should be doing in a matter of months. I love the nite nite babies...so hilarious!

Lilypad Mom said...

It is amazing how fast they learn (of course she balances her talking talent by sticking her hand in her cup o' applesauce). hee hee! Gotta love toddlers.