Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I have a theory that my daughter is an artistic GENIUS. One afternoon recently, we were talking about umbrellas. One was featured in a book we were reading that day. I drew an umbrella on her Magnadoodle, as well. Of course, that was quickly erased by Lily (Mommy's drawings rarely impress). Lily doodled some then left the Magnadoodle for another toy of interest. I looked down and saw THIS.... [the green one is for illustration]

Two random swirls or a Picasso inspired umbrella???? Per the green umbrella A La Mommy - you can see why Lily is quick to erase my silly ole drawings.

Looks like its time to get Lily an agent. :-)


Unknown said...

I can definitely see the shape of an umbrella there! Do you think she'd do a portrait of me next time we see her?!?

Krisha Brooks said...

That is so funny! I do think she made a perfect looking umbrella...and I'm not saying that because I have a picture of scribbles John did on a magnadoodle and I swear he wrote his name...really. :) heh! heh!