I hope to add more pics soon; I've been picture slackin' fo shizzle.

(in a Little People van at that!)

The Latest in Lily News
Instead of typing out the Tends to Be Lengthy list of Lily Doins, I figured I'd show it via video this time. Lily is now embarking on adventures in small sentences. Examples you'll see in the video below are: Thank you Mommy (or Daddy), Nite Nite Babies, Hi Max, No Bark and SIT. Enjoy!
Defying all video recording odds of actually catching the toddler mid-trick, I managed to catch a glimpse of the illusive "Water" word. That Lily is creative.
Here are some of Lily's latest Doins that have happened over the last two weeks...
1. "Yay" for outside: When we ask Lily if she'd like to go outside, instead of a "yes" or "no", she replies "YAY!!!!". It would seem that she likes the outdoors just a wee bit.
2. "Weewees": Aka, The Wiggles tv show. Lily not only asks for Bunnytown ("bop bop") but has added "wee wees" to the list. It has to be one of her cutest words; I ask her about The Wiggles at least a dozen times a day just so I can hear her say it. She'll even accompany "wee wees" with a Wiggles trademark hand motion. Kudos to The Wiggles marketing team. We've all been suckered in!
3. Thankyou: or "Too too" as Lily puts it. Lily has signed "Thank you" for a good while now but has recently added the vocal "too too" along with it as well.
4. Boo Boo: As Lily has mastered her walking and running technique, she has acquired quite a collection of bumps, bruises and scrapes to prove her right of passage. One day, I decided to point out a scrape and explained "boo boo". Lily spent the rest of the day pointing out other Boo Boos. It's another Cute Word favorite of ours.
5. The Ow! Game: Giving in to the inevitable genetic comedy makeup of my silly family, Lily loves slapstick. One of her favorite games is the Ow! Game. She'll smack herself on the head, yell "OW!" and laugh and laugh. As I cannot rise above my own gene pool, I found this hysterical until the Smacks became harder and she tried to involve Me in the Ow! Game (Mommy dont play dat). In all honesty, I still find it highly entertaining though Parenting does take precedent (dang it).
6. Fit O' Rage: Lily is one happy little girl. She has a sweet sweet demeanor and she does seem to have a touch of Tender-heartedness about her. Though on occassion, she will throw one heck of a Hissy. Recently, she was in a foul mood and my decision to change her diaper SET HER OFF. Yes, I'm a mean horrible mommy. She was kicking and screaming and whilst in mid fit o' rage, she bit HERSELF, specificially on the arm. I was shocked at first but then had to fight back a laugh as I could see the wide-eyed realization of pain on her face as soon as she made the bite. Granted, at that point, the yells of rage turned into yells of pain. Funny thing, though: she hasn't done that since.
7. "Moo": It's what the cow says. MENSA here we come!!
8. Frog tongue: Lily will stick her tongue in and out when prompted with "Frog".
9. Fans: Lily loves to point out the ceiling fans at home. She'll follow a point with a circular motion while saying "rr rrr rrr" (as the fan goes "around around and around"). I never knew fans could be so fun.
10. Little Einsteins: Lily can mimick a portion of the Lily Einsteins show. This will sound more brainy that it is but she knows the Blast Off Sequence. This includes patting her hands on her legs, raising her arms up and saying "Baaa ahhhh" (or "Blast off"). Seriously, how will we find the time to live our lives with Nasa and Mensa calling all the time?
To illustrate some of her vocabulary- I'll attempt to include a video below.
6. Kitty Stalking: As seen in the above picture, Lily loves to follow around the ever elusive Kitty. She'll copy her Meow with "Maaaaaa". Kitty manages to stay one step ahead of the little sticky fingers.
7. Running Laps: Lily knows one speed: FAST! She loves running indoors or outdoors. She prefers a good chase too (whether from Mommy, Daddy or Kitty).
8. Climbing Accomplishment: Lily crawled into her baby bed. So yes, the cutsie bumpers are off and the bed is on the lowest setting crib-wise. To me - it has never looked more like a cage (which, we all know that's what a baby crib is really for)!
9. Love for Dance: Lily loves to dance. Her favorite moves are Turning Around and making a dramatic fake fall (we're cataloging it as Interpretive Dancing).
10. Sharing Snacks: Lily will also share her quackers with us. We've noticed, however, that she shares her least favorite quackers (bunny quackers). Hmmm....it's still "sharing" though, right?
Street Cred: Lily's busted lip from a bad fall at school (her upper lip is really swollen in the above picture)
Living it up with her snack cup. If you look real close, you can see smal zip ties securing the lid to the cup. Oh yeah- we took it to the next level!
A view of her curls...
Playing with big bro Max...
A random pic of silliness with a very cranky Kitty (wonder why she's cranky all the time??)
1. A coupon organizer makes a LOT of sense
2. Book clubs sound halfway appealing
3. The age range for "them kids" has expanded to
college students
4. Going to bed at 8:30pm is AWESOME
5. The realization that the juniors department store
section isn't quite for me anymore (nor is any other
section for that matter)
6. I'm investing more $$ into quality lotions for my
ever-increasingly dryer face, hands and legs
7. I'm actually called a Local by friends living in
the same "new" town I'm currently residing in (but
we JUST moved here - well, 10 years ago...holy moly!)
8. The crazy amount of items 5 years and older in
my house (like SHIRTS)
9. Naps. just. rock.
10. I simply LOVE my "frumpy" clothes. Love love love!!
And yes, some of them are bordering on 5+ years old.
I may add more to this later but that's an even 10 for now....