Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh yeah: GraphJam!

Maybe I am the only one that does this, but on occassion, I am reminded of a fun website I havent visited in a good while. I blame Mommy A.D.D. (well, that and the infinite choices in websites to waste my time on). This happened recently when a friend reminded me of my love for graphjam. Here are a few that leave me in tears...And no - unfortunately I cant take credit for the first one - though I DO love my handy dandy flashlight phone.


Karla said...

The WalMart one is my fave of course!

Unknown said...

Funny. I like the hearing level when your boss walks by while surfing the net.

Unknown said...

I just thought of one I'd add to the sensitivity of hearing graph. When coworkers are talking about donuts, cookies or cake. My ears are like radars for those words hopiong that they'll be enough to share with the rest of the office.